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《灵界经历》 第4710节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4710

4710. For a long time men appeared on the left at a distance above, on the plane of the crown of the head. They were of a similar nature. They flowed into the parts of the reproductive organs and so to speak tied a cord let down from themselves there and in this way joined themselves together. By this was symbolized the innermost love of those whom they nevertheless deceived in such a way that they were able not only to deceive them but also lead them wherever they pleased. For the joining and caressing of the genitalia by others displays affection for the other, and thus control is gained through simulation of loves that someone has. They are seduced by these and led wherever desired. These spirits are more powerful and act deep within, because they bind themselves completely. But these women and men have been cast into hell, for they were tied up in their own cord and, tied in this way, cast into hell.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4710

4710. There appeared, for a long time, on the left, at a distance above, in the plane of the crown of the head, those who have likewise been of such a nature as to inflow into man's members of generation, and, as it were, bind them with a cord let down from themselves there, and so unite themselves; whereby was signified the inmost of love with those, whom, nevertheless, they misled in such a manner that they were able not only to deceive them, but also to lead them whithersoever they would; for conjunction and the stroking of the genitals by others, represents the pretence of affection for another, and so insinuation by feigning the loves which are with anyone - by means of which arts they are seduced and led whithersoever it is pleased. The above-mentioned spirits [did this] more completely and interiorly; for they have altogether bound themselves [to the latter]. But both the women and the men were thrown into hell; for these latter were bound with their cord and thrown into hell, thus.

Experientiae Spirituales 4710 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4710. Apparebant diu ad sinistrum ad distantiam supra in plano verticis capitis, qui similiter tales fuerunt, quod influerent in membra generationis hominis, et quasi ligarent funiculum a se demissum ibi, et sic se unirent, quo significabatur intimum amoris cum illis, quos tamen fallebant, sic ut possent non modo decipere illos, sed etiam ducere quocunque vellent; nam conjunctio et mulcitio membrorum generationis ab aliis, repraesentat simulationem affectionis pro altero, et sic insinuationem per simulatos amores, qui alicui, per quae seducuntur et ducuntur quocunque libet; hi magis ac intime, nam se ligarunt prorsus. Sed illae et illi conjecti sunt in infernum, hi enim ligati funiculo suo, et sic in infernum conjecti.

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