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《灵界经历》 第4715节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4715

4715. Then I remembered that whenever I touched a pair of iron tongs used for stirring the fiery coals, I noticed that [the feeling] came in from some [spirits] that they wanted to hit the Lord with it, and this happened frequently, even to my becoming angry. And [I noticed] that this was done by such as outwardly conduct themselves respectably, lawfully, and honestly so far that [they gain] the trust of another and nevertheless still cheat and never pay back a loan or think of doing so. They are not concerned at all about robbing in this way if they dare. They regard adulteries as nothing and do not believe God is anything, nor do they believe in such things as belong to the Church.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4715

4715. Then I bethought me, that, as often as I have touched the iron tongs with which coals of fire were moved, so often was I conscious, that, from some, there came, as it were [the knowledge] that they wished to strike the Lord therewith, and this frequently even to indignation; and that this proceeded from such characters, namely, those who, in external form, behave themselves sincerely, justly and uprightly, so far as [to obtain] the confidence of another, and yet still deceive: they never return, nor think of returning a loan; thus they care nothing for stealing, if they dare to do it; they account adulteries as of no moment, and do not believe God to be anything - nor such things as belong to the Church.

Experientiae Spirituales 4715 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4715. Tunc recordatus sum quod quoties tetigi forcipem ferri quo ignei carbones moverentur, toties apperceptum quod ab aliquibus venerit sicut quod illo vellent percutere Dominum, et hoc saepe, etiam ad indignationem, et quod hoc a talibus, qui nempe externa forma se gerunt honeste, juste et recte, usque ad fidem alterius, et tamen usque decipiunt, mutuum nusquam reddunt, nec cogitant reddere, nihil curant sic latrocinari si ausint, pro nihilo aestimant adulteria, nec credunt Deum esse aliquid, nec talia quae Ecclesiae.

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