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《灵界经历》 第4714节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4714

4714. Iron fire tongs, those who appear that way, what [is pictured by] rotation and a charcoal [glow]

A certain spirit, spoken of above in earlier pages [4708], who carried a wooden club under his arm and engaged in robbery, was led up from a hell and then spoke with another, who behaved himself likewise as good, just, and honest. They walked together. Then someone met them who accused him of having acted fraudulently, of doing this under the guise of being respectable and good, and of squandering those things he had received on loan. Then he was seen as it were rotating. In the center of the rotation was something like a burning coal almost in flame. And then he was not seen. But he soon appeared and said that he had been terrified by someone who had reproached him and threatened him, and that he had become inflamed. The burning coal in the middle, almost in flame, was his internal glowing anger, and the wheel-like rotation was his display of being just and respectable. After this something like an iron fire tong was seen with which they picked up fiery coals and in this way threw them into hell. The story was told that under the guise of respectability he had deceived many and that he been able to deceive everyone there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4714


A certain one, of whom I have spoken above, on a former page, who carried a wooden club under the arm and robbed, was led out of hell, and spoke with another, and likewise demeaned himself like a good, just and righteous man. They walked together. Then there met them a certain one, who blamed the first one because he had deceived, and this under the guise of sincerity and good, and because he had squandered those things which he had obtained on loan. And then he seemed, as it were, to be revolved, and in the midst of the circumrotation there was, as it were, a coal almost ignited, and then not visible; but it immediately re-appeared, and he said that he was terrified by a certain one, who had loudly upbraided and threatened him; and that he was angry. The coal in the middle, almost ignited, was his internal anger; and the circumrotation like a wheel was his apparent justice and sincerity. He afterwards seemed like a pair of iron tongs, wherewith they take up coals of fire, and so was cast into hell; for it was known that he deceived, under a show of sincerity, and that he was able to deceive all there.

Experientiae Spirituales 4714 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4714. Forcipes ignis ferrei, quinam ita apparent, rotatio quid et carbonarium

Quidam, de quo supra in priori pagina [4708], qui lignum sub ulna portabat latrocinabatur, eductus est ex inferno loquutus est cum alio similiter se gessit sicut bonus, justus rectus, illi spatiabantur simul, tunc obviam venit quidam qui inculpavit illum quod deceperit hoc sub specie honesti boni quod dilapidatus sit illa quae mutuo acceperat, tunc visus est quasi circumrotari in medio circumrotationis sicut carbo paene ignitus tunc non visus, sed mox apparebat dixit quod terrefactus sit a quodam qui illum increpaverat minatus sit quod excanduerit, carbo in medio paene ignitus fuit excandescentia ejus interna circumrotatio sicut rota fuit justum honestum apparens: postea visus est sicut forceps ferreus, quo accipiunt carbones igneos sic conjectus in infernum; narratum quod sub specie honesti fefellerit quod potuerit omnes ibi fallere.

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