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《灵界经历》 第4717节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4717

4717. People's faces are changed in the other life

I saw two who were good, and whom I had known in the world (Moraeus and Bierchenius 1). Their faces looked entirely different than before, and I was asked whether I recognized them. I said that I did not, and guessing finally discovered that it was Bierchenius. It was a handsome, clear human face. He was seen in an open carriage because he was then meditating on the doctrine of charity. The reason [for this] is that good joined with truth then shapes the face, for every angel and good spirit is the form of his own good given a shape.


1. Doctor John Moraeus was at one time Swedenborg's tutor. Hans Bierchenius was a former colleague from the College of Mines.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4717


I saw two who were good, and known to me in the world (Moraeus and Bjerchenius). They appeared with quite another face than before; and I was asked whether I recognized the latter. I said, No; and conjectured, and at last it was discovered that it was Bjerchenius. He had a bright, comely human face. He seemed in a chariot that was half open, because he was then mediating about the doctrine of charity. The reason is, because, then, good conjoined with truth fashions the face; for every angel and good spirit is the form of his formed good.

Experientiae Spirituales 4717 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4717. Quod facies hominum alterentur in altera vita

Vidi binos qui boni, et in mundo mihi noti, (Moraeus et Bierchenius), illi apparebant prorsus alia facie quam prius, et interrogatus sum num cognoscerem hunc, dicebam quod non, et divinabam, et tandem detegebatur quod esset Bierchenius, erat facie humana speciosa candida, visus in curru qui dimidio apertus, quia tunc meditabatur de doctrina charitatis. Causa est, quia tunc bonum conjunctum vero format faciem, nam quisque angelus et spiritus bonus est forma sui boni formati.

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