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《灵界经历》 第4718节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4718

4718. Those who are evil, however, gradually shed their human form, and as to their faces, when seen in the light of heaven, do not look like human beings but like monsters, deformed in various ways. The reason for this is that good that has been joined to truth by the Lord shapes the angelic heaven into a likeness of a human being. On this account, all who are there are images of it according to the nature of their own good. The inwardly evil put off the human form in hell and look like monsters according to the nature of their evil.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4718

4718. But they that are evil, successively throw off the human form; and, as to the face, when beheld in the light of heaven, they do not appear like men, but like monsters, of various deformity. The reason is, because good conjoined with truth by the Lord, form the angelic heaven into the likeness of a man; wherefore, all who are there, are images of that likeness, according to the quality of their good. The inwardly evil in hell throw off the human form, and appear as monsters, according to the quality of their evil.

Experientiae Spirituales 4718 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4718. Qui autem mali sunt, illi exuunt successive formam humanam, et quoad facies, cum visae in luce coeli, non apparent sicut homines, sed sicut monstra, variae deformitatis. Causa est, quia bonum conjunctum vero a Domino format coelum angelicum in hominis similitudinem, quare omnes qui ibi sunt imagines ejus secundum boni sui quale. Intus mali in inferno exuunt formam humanam, et apparent ut monstra secundum mali quale.

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