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《灵界经历》 第4719节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4719

4719. About the Spiritual and the heavenly angels as regards marriage love

Marriage love with the spiritual begins from outward things, thus from a kind of lasciviousness. They love nudity, and it is arousing. Eventually, of course, outer things fade away, but then marriage love in effect usually ceases. It is otherwise with the heavenly. With them marriage love begins from inward things, thus from a joining of souls. They don't care about nudity, just as is the case in the tropical zones, where they see each other naked but still do not love any other than their own married partner.

[2] The heavenly in the other life as well appear naked, and the spiritual clothed. The latter are lascivious from their nature in the world, but the former are not. I have been shown by them that this is the case. And besides this, there is the reason that with the heavenly the will is not as corrupt as it is with the spiritual. They love from this [will], which is the inmost part of a person. The spiritual, however, love from their intellectual part which is comparatively outward. Consequently, in the beginning it is lascivious. From this it is also clear that the state of the heavenly is the reverse of that of the spiritual.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4719


Conjugial love with the spiritual begins from externals, thus from a certain lasciviousness: they love nakedness, and it excites them. At length, indeed, externals vanish; but, then, conjugial love, in its effect, is wont to cease. It is otherwise with the celestial: with them, conjugial love begins from internals, thus from the conjunction of minds: and they do not regard nakedness - just as in the torrid zones, where the natives see each other naked, but yet love none but their own married partners. The celestial also appear naked in the other life, and the spiritual clothed. The latter are lascivious from their natural constitution in the world, but not so the former. I was informed by them that such is the case; and, moreover, the reason is, because the voluntary faculty is not destroyed to such an extent with the celestial as with the spiritual. The celestial love from this, which is the inmost of man; but the spiritual from the intellectual part, which is relatively external; thence it is, that their disposition, in the beginning, is lascivious. Hence also it is evident, that the state of the celestial is the inverse of that of the spiritual.

Experientiae Spirituales 4719 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4719. De Spiritualibus et coelestibus quoad amorem conjugialem

Amor conjugialis apud spirituales incipit ab externis, ita a quadam lascivia, amant nuditatem, et ea excitat, tandem quidem externa evanescunt, sed tunc amor conjugialis 89 in effectu desinere solet. Aliter coelestes, amor conjugialis apud illos incipit ab internis, ita ab animorum conjunctione, nec curant nuditates, sicut in zonis calidis, ubi se mutuo vident nudos, sed usque non amant quam suas conjuges: coelestes quoque in altera vita apparent nudi, et spirituales vestiti, hi lascivi sunt ex natura in mundo, illi vero non; quod ita sit instructus sum ab illis; et praeterea causa est, quia voluntarium apud coelestes non est deperditum ita ut apud spirituales, ex hoc amant, quod est intimum hominis, spirituales vero ex intellectuali parte, quae est respective externum, inde lascivum in initio. Inde quoque patet quod inversus status sit coelestium ac spiritualium.

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