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《灵界经历》 第4724节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4724

4724. About faith and love

Many spirits appeared to me, and I spoke with the one just mentioned. And he appeared clearly then, but the rest began to vanish as to their heads. The reason for this was that this one, who was appearing clearly, affirmed the things I said and believed, but the rest who disappeared as to their heads did not affirm and so did not believe. From this can be seen what the case is with faith in the Lord. The Lord appears to those who believe and affirm, and He is joined to them through love, that is to say, through charity. For faith does not exist, and thus the Lord does not appear, unless there is love, that is to say, charity, for this is what receives faith, from which comes presence and conjunction.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4724


There appeared many spirits; and I spoke with the one just mentioned, and then he appeared clearly; but the rest began to disappear as to their heads. This was so, because he who appeared clearly, affirmed and believed what I said; but the rest, who disappeared as to their heads, did not affirm, consequently, did not believe. Hence it was evident, how it is with faith in the Lord: that the Lord appears to those who believe and affirm, and is conjoined with them by means of love or charity; for faith is not given, consequently not the appearance of the Lord, unless there is love or charity; for this receives faith, and presence and conjunction is thence.

Experientiae Spirituales 4724 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4724. De fide et amore

Apparuerunt plures spiritus, et loquutus cum illo, et tunc ille apparebat clare, sed reliqui incipiebant quoad capita sua disparari, hoc fuit ideo, quia ille qui apparebat clare, affirmabat et credebat quae dixi, at reliqui qui quoad capita disparabantur, non affirmabant, ita non credebant: inde patuit, quomodo se habet cum fide in Dominum, quod qui credunt et affirmant, illis appareat Dominus, et illis per amorem seu charitatem conjungatur, nam fides non datur ita non apparentia Domini, nisi sit amor aut charitas, nam haec recipit fidem, inde praesentia et conjunctio.

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