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《灵界经历》 第4728节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4728

4728. His followers together with him worked into my tongue and infused an effort to bite it, which is a sign that they had spoken in accordance with the confession of faith, but inwardly were devils, that is, were immersed in the love of self and the world.

[2] He himself was immersed especially in the love of money apart from use, thus in a filthy evil, besides being immersed in love for himself, for he wanted to be hailed as the light of Europe. But he was told that he had come among those who are stupid and weak-minded because the doctrine of faith that he had confessed with his mouth and denied in his heart has been entirely taken from him, and he is left to his own evil. Because he did not want to believe this, he was told that through his oral confession he is associated with good spirits who are on the lowest [level] of heaven's order and who believe that people are like what they say, not supposing they can think differently, But by his denial of God and of everything having to do with faith, he is associated with hell and thus is in-between heaven and hell. Through good spirits he is raised above hell, and hellish spirits use him as an instrument for harming those who are good. Lest this happen, what he knows of truth from the Word and doctrine is taken away from him, and he is left to his own evil and consequently cast into hell.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4728

4728. His followers, with himself, operated into my tongue, and infused an effort to bite it, which is a proof that they spoke according to the confession of faith, but that inwardly they were devils, to wit, in love of self and the world. He was especially in love of money apart from its use, thus in a filthy evil; moreover, in self-love, for he wished to be greeted "the light of Europe." But he was told that he comes among fools and simpletons; for the doctrine of faith, which he confessed with the mouth and denied in the heart, is wholly taken away from him, and he is left to his evil. Inasmuch as he did not wish to believe this, he was told, that, by confession of the mouth, he is associated with good spirits who are in the ultimate of the order of heaven, for they believe that men are of such a sort as they say - they affirm that it cannot be thought otherwise; on the other hand, that by denial of God, and of all the things of faith, he is associated with hell; and that, thus, he is between heaven and hell, and that by good spirits he is elevated above hell, and that the infernals also employ him as an instrument for injuring the good. Lest this should be effected, the knowledge of truth from the Word and doctrine is taken from him, and he is left to his evil, and so is cast into hell.

Experientiae Spirituales 4728 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4728. Asseclae ejus cum ipso operabantur in linguam, et indebant conatum mordendi illam, quod indicium est, quod secundum fidei confessionem loquuti sint, sed quod intus diaboli fuerint, nempe in amore sui et mundi.

[2] Ipse imprimis in amore pecuniae absque usu fuit, ita in malo spurco, praeter in amore sui, nam voluit salutari lumen Europae. Sed dictum ei quod inter stultos et fatuos veniat, nam doctrina fidei, quam oretenus confessus est et corde negavit, ei prorsus aufertur, et is relinquitur suo malo; hoc quia credere non voluit, dicebatur ei, quod per confessionem oris consocietur bonis spiritibus, qui in ultimo ordinis coeli sunt, ii enim credunt quod homines tales sint, qualiter loquuntur, non autumant quod aliter cogitari possit, at quod per negationem Dei, et omnium fidei, quod consocietur inferno, et quod sic inter coelum et infernum sit, et quod per bonos spiritus elevetur supra infernum, et quod infernales quoque utantur eo pro instrumento nocendi bonis, ne hoc fiat, adimitur ei scientia veri ex Verbo et doctrina, et relinquitur malo suo, et sic in infernum conjicitur.

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