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《灵界经历》 第4732节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4732

4732. A golden and a silver heart, and silver swords

There are good spirits who have not yet become angels because they cannot avoid frequently meeting up with evil spirits who are constantly intent on doing evil. The crowd of such is very, very large, and the evils they do are of countless kinds and types. Those who are good and inwardly angels are endowed with a breastplate shaped like a large heart made of gold. When evil [spirits], robbers, come up to them, and they bare their vest and show the golden heart, the robbers do not dare to do anything. Those who declare a belief in the Lord are given breastplates of gold, but before this, when they still [believe in] three persons, the breastplate they have is silver.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4732


Good spirits [are such] as have not yet become angels, because they cannot but often come in contact with evil spirits, who constantly attempt to produce evils. The number of such [evil spirits] is very great; and the evils which they produce are innumerable, as to genera and species. Those who are good, and interiorly angels, have given to them a breast-plate, which is, as it were, a larger form of heart, made of gold. When the evil, or robbers, meet them, and they draw aside their garments and show the golden heart, the robbers dare not do anything. Those who confess the Lord, are given a breastplate of gold; but beforehand, while as yet they acknowledge Three Persons, their breast-plate is of silver.

Experientiae Spirituales 4732 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4732. Cor aureum et argenteum, et gladii argentei

Spiritus boni, qui adhuc non facti angeli, quia non possunt aliter quam saepe occurrere malis, qui continuo intentant mala facere, talium turba est maxima, mala quae faciunt sunt innumerabilia quoad genera et species; qui boni sunt ac interius angeli, illi donati sunt pectorali, quod est sicut cor majori forma, ex auro, cum mali seu latrones occurrunt, et illi nudant vestes et ostendunt cor aureum, tunc latrones non audent quicquam facere, qui confitentur Dominum donantur pectorali ex auro, at antea quum adhuc tres personas, pectorale argenteum illis est.

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