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《灵界经历》 第4731节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4731

4731. All who are alike are recognized by whatever face they have

In the other life friendships and close acquaintances are not made through business or social events, but by similarities of their dispositions. On this account, as soon as others appear they are recognized either as friends or as enemies on the basis of similarity or dissimilarity. The reason is that the whole thought of the one is communicated to the other, and the feeling in the thought shapes the face. As a consequence it is familiar to those who are similar and unfamiliar to those who are dissimilar.

[2] When they speak together, if what is said is not heard but heard differently, or is not believed by another spirit, his face begins to fade away, and later, when he does believe, it re-appears. Likewise, the thoughts of the other spirit are also symbolically portrayed by the objects in the place where they are or surrounding them. Spirits and angels do not think about this because it is a consequence of the order in the other life, and what happens in an orderly fashion is what is usual, and no one gives a thought to it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4731


In the other life, friendships and intimacies are not made by relationships or interaction, but similitudes of mind produce such things; wherefore, when anyone appears, he is at once known as a friend or as an enemy, from likeness or unlikeness. The reason is, because all the thought of one is communicated to another, and the affection of thought fashions the face; hence it [i. e., the face] is known to those who are similar, and unknown to those who are dissimilar. When they speak together, if the communication is not received [in the proper manner], but is received in a different way, by another, or is not believed, the one addressed begins to be invisible as to the face, and, afterwards, when he believes, returns. Likewise, the thoughts of another are even represented by the objects in their place, or around them. Spirits and angels do not attend to these things, because it is from order in the other life; and that which happens according to order is like a familiar thing, which is not thought about.

Experientiae Spirituales 4731 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4731. Quod cognoscantur omnes qui similes, quacunque facie sunt

In altera vita amicitiae et familiaritates non comparantur per consortium aut conversationes, sed similitudines animorum faciunt talia, quare illico cum apparet aliquis, cognoscitur vel ut amicus vel ut inimicus ex similitudine vel dissimilitudine, causa est quia tota cogitatio unius communicatur alteri, et cogitationis affectio facit faciem, ita notam illis qui similes, et ignotam illis qui dissimiles.

[2] Cum inter se loquuntur, tunc si sermo non recipitur, sed ab altero aliter recipitur vel non creditur, incipit is non apparere quoad faciem, et postea cum credit redit; pariter cogitationes alterius repraesentantur etiam per objecta loco illorum vel circum illos; ad haec non reflectunt spiritus et angeli, quia est ex ordine in altera vita, et quod fit secundum ordinem, est sicut familiare, de quo non cogitatur.

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