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《灵界经历》 第4734节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4734

4734. The dwellings of thieves

Around cities here and there and in other places, swamps or pools appear, and also large piles of the ruins of houses. Dwelling places of evil spirits are there. Evil spirits live in caves and dark places which one goes down into by steps. The places there are dark, and when spirits come there and lose their way, then they are attacked by these robbers, but the good ones are immediately freed. Those who lose their way come for the most part to such places and then suppose that there is a way through them into the cities, but they are mistaken. The deeper the places are, the darker they are, and the worse the thieves there are. Among this gang are those who have been in quite high positions in their bodily life, because robbing and stealing had been their inward pleasure when they lived in the world. But there they were restrained by laws and by fears of losing their reputation, on account of [their concern for] profit and respect.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4734


Round about, there are cities here and there; and, in other places, appear marshes or swamps, and also numerous ruins of houses. There, the dwelling of the evil are. Evil spirits dwell in holes and darksome places, to which there is descent by steps. The places there are shrouded in darkness; and, when spirits, missing their way, come thither, they are approached by those robbers; but those that are good are liberated immediately. Those who miss their way, for the most part, come to such places, and suppose, at that time, that there is a way through them into the cities; but they mistake. The deeper the places are, the darker they are, and the worse are the robbers there. There are some who have been in considerable dignity during the life of the body, amongst that crew; for their interior delight, when they lived in the world, was to plunder and rob. But they were there restrained by laws, and by fears, on account of profit and honors, of the loss of reputation.

Experientiae Spirituales 4734 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4734. Domicilia latronum

Circum urbes passim, et alibi apparent paludes seu stagna, et quoque rudera domuum magna, ibi sunt habitacula malorum, mali spiritus habitant in cavis et locis tenebricosis, ad quae descenditur per gradus, sunt loca ibi tenebricosa, et cum illuc veniunt spiritus cum errant, tunc a latronibus illis adeuntur, sed qui boni sunt, liberantur illico; qui errant, ut plurimum ad talia loca veniunt, et tunc putant quod per illa sit via in urbes, sed falluntur, quo profundiora loca sunt, eo sunt obscuriora, et ibi latrones pejores. Sunt qui in multa dignitate fuerunt in vita corporis, qui inter illam turbam sunt, nam diripere et latrocinari fuerat voluptas interior illorum cum vixerunt in mundo, sed ibi prohibiti sunt per leges, ac per timores jacturae famae propter lucrum et honores.

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