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《灵界经历》 第4735节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4735

4735. About spiders

A thread attached to the web of a spider was seen, stretching high up into the more inward heaven. This thread was pulled down, and a diabolical spirit followed. It appeared to the angels' sight like a huge, horrible spider that when pulled down lay visible on a stone. And more than half its head was crushed with a stone (igenom trampande weder skon 1), and what remained of the head was crushed with the tip of a cane so that it was seen completely crushed and destroyed. It was on the stone.


1. Swedish expression meaning "by stamping it with a shoe"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4735


There was seen, connected with the web of a spider, a thread, which extended, on high, into the interior heaven. This thread was drawn down; and there followed it a diabolical spirit, who appeared to angelic sight like a great, dreadful spider, which, when drawn down, lay upon a stone, and was beheld; and then more than half of his head was crushed with the heel (that is. . .), and the rest of the head was crushed by the end of a staff, so that [the spider] seemed altogether crushed and destroyed. This was upon the stone.

Experientiae Spirituales 4735 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4735. De Araneis

Visum est filum cum rete araneae, quod pertingebat in altum, in interius coelum, hoc filum detrahebatur, et sequebatur inde spiritus diabolicus, qui apparuit coram visu angelico sicut magna et horrenda aranea, quae cum detracta super lapide jacuit et visa est, et tunc plus quam dimidium caput ejus contritum est calce (igenom trampande weder skon) 1

et reliquum caput contritum est per baculi extremum, sic ut visa prorsus contrita et deperdita, hoc fuit super lapide.


1. = per calcatioinem contra calceum (verba suecica)

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