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《灵界经历》 第4736节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4736

4736. Then it was told and shown who those spirits are, namely, that they are those who learn tricks of raising themselves toward the more inward heaven, which is done chiefly through the practice of entering into the minds of others and virtually absorbing them, and doing so to the point of thinking just as they do. They especially learn the truths of faith and learn how to enter [into others'] affection for truth by holding [their] thoughts on them for long time. But they always do this with the intention of misleading, duping, and exercising control. Thus [their practice] is full of cunning, deceit, and malice. By such actions they slip in among angels in heaven and are those who are in societies of the inward heaven. They are Wellingians 1.


1. Presumably individuals associated Swedish Count Maurice Wellingk, who by intrigue had ingratiated himself with the King of Sweden.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4736

4736. Then it was said and shown who those are - that, namely, they are those who learn arts for elevating themselves towards the interior heaven, which happens chiefly by means of the habit of entering into the minds of others and almost filling them; and this, even to the point of thinking like them. Especially do they learn the truths of faith; and they learn to enter into the affection of truth, by holding the thoughts in those things a long time, but this with the constant purpose of deceiving, mocking and ruling: thus [their purpose] is full of craftiness, deceit and malice. By means of such things, they insinuate themselves among the angels of heaven; and these are the ones who [insinuate themselves] into the societies of the interior heaven. They are Wellingians.

Experientiae Spirituales 4736 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4736. Tunc dictum et ostensum quinam illi sunt, quod nempe illi qui discunt artes se elevandi versus coelum interius, quod fit imprimis per habitum intrandi in aliorum animos, et paene imbuendi illos, et hoc usque ad cogitare sicut illi, imprimis discunt vera fidei, et intrare discunt in affectionem veri, tenendo cogitationes in illis diu, sed hoc semper animo fallendi, illudendi, et imperandi, ita est plenum astu, dolo et malitia; per talia insinuant se inter angelos coeli, et sunt qui in societates coeli interioris, sunt Wellingiani.

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