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《灵界经历》 第4738节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4738

4738. 1But this is permitted by the Lord so that such [spirits] may be present in these societies for the purpose of introducing opposite things, such things as are tempting and should be dispelled for the sake of strengthening the aura of truth and goodness and extending it. The angels said that sometimes they are also noticed, and that they sit in corners, sometimes seen, sometimes not, and that they cannot be driven out before the time has come for them to be cast down.


1. Paragraph 4737 is missing in the original manuscript.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4738

4738. But this is permitted by the Lord, in order that such spirits may be with those societies, for the sake of infusing opposite things, such as tempt, which the societies ought to shake off - hence, for the sake of strengthening the sphere of truth and good, and extending it. The angels said that they are, also, sometimes observed; and that they sit in corners, and sometimes they appear and sometimes not; and that they cannot be dislodged, before the time of their casting down arrives.

Experientiae Spirituales 4738 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4738. Sed hoc permittitur a Domino, ut tales sint apud illas societates, causa infundendi opposita, et talia quae tentant, et quae discutere debent, fine firmandi sphaeram veri et boni, et illam extendendi. Dicebant angeli, quod etiam quandoque observentur, et quod sedeant in angulis, et quandoque appareant quandoque non appareant, et quod depelli non possint, antequam tempus dejectionis adest.

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