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《灵界经历》 第4739节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4739

4739. About the North, and about those who live there

I was taken across to those who live far toward the north, and I saw that there was a large structure there, divided into rooms. It was made of stone covered with gray-colored plaster. The rooms were open, that is to say, without a ceiling. The building was spaciously long and broad. And there were also churches, but in another, or rather higher part, open too, and also of plastered stone. There was a crowd there outside a church, dancing and singing secular songs together. At a very distant northern place a small room built of wooden planks, with a ceiling, was seen. It was in the outskirts.

Those who are there are those who had had natural truth and lived a good life based on it, that is to say, according to it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4739


I was brought over to those that dwell afar towards the north; and it was seen that there was there a large continuous building, built of stone coated with lime of a grayish color, and divided into apartment. The apartments were uncovered, or without a roof. This building was extensive both in length and breadth; and there were temples, also, in another, or upper part, also uncovered, and likewise of plastered stone. There was a crowd there, outside of the temple, leaping and performing unholy dances. At a very great distance in the north, there appeared a small apartment composed of wooden rafters, with a roof. This was in the uttermost boundary. Those who are there, are those who have been in natural truth, and in that, or according to it, have lived a good life.

Experientiae Spirituales 4739 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4739. De Septentrione, et de illis qui ibi habitant

Translatus sum ad illos qui habitant longe versus septentrionem, et visum quod ibi esset continuum aedificium magnum, divisum in conclavia, ex saxo incrustato calce grisei coloris, conclavia erant aperta seu absque tecto, aedificium hoc erat extensum in longum et latum, et quoque erant templa sed in altera seu superiore parte, etiam aperta, et similiter ex saxo incrustato, ibi erat turba extra templum saltans et agens choreas non sanctas; ad maxime dissitum locum septentrionis apparebat conclave parvum ex asseribus ligneis conflatum cum tecto, hoc in ultimo termino. Qui ibi, sunt qui in naturali vero fuerunt, et vitam bonam ex illo seu secundum illud vixerunt.

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