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《灵界经历》 第4740节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4740

4740. About those who enter into all of a person's affections and kill them (Gyllenborg 1).

There was a certain individual who, when I was sleeping, it was early morning, quickly drove off two angels, one of whom was very near me. And then he attacked me, seizing my genitals in his hand, wanting to destroy me in this way. But I kept my hand over them. When I woke up I asked who it was. He spoke, saying he was Fr[ederic] Gyllenborg. I had thought he was too, but it was a demon like him. He was made to talk and divulge what trick he used. He said that he sits near the wood (of the Lord's cross), in His sepulcher, in stone from the Mount of Olives, and that he then sits motionless in such a way that neither an angel nor a devil can dislodge him. He had done such things for himself out of fantasy. He added that when he descends into the sepulcher, many spirits come, and he makes use of them to drive off good spirits and angels from each individual. He confessed this.

[2] And there are those who are just like F[rederic] G[yllenborg]. Because he had been among the pietists, he still thinks about heaven, about the life after death, about God, about Providence, rather soundly, and speaks even more so. And when he does, it is with a falsely convincing faith through which he enters into good people's affections, but for the sake of misleading them. But still he has no conscience about whether his country is destroyed or his neighbors plundered or killed for his sake, having as his sole purpose control of everything, and through control, profit from those in power.


1. Count Fredric Gyllenborg (1698-1759).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4740


There was a certain one, who, while I slept, about morning, drove away, in a moment, two angels and one who leaned nearer to me; and, then, he assailed me, seizing the genitals with the hand, and wishing thus to destroy me; but I held my hand above them. Then I awaked, and asked who it was. He spoke, and said that he was Frederic Gyllenborg. I also supposed it was; but it was one of the genii that was similar to him. He was compelled to speak and divulge what art he employed. He said that he sits on the wood (of the Lord's cross) in His sepulchre, in the rock of Mount Olivet; and that he then sits immovable, so that neither angel nor devil could move him away from thence. He had produced such things for himself by phantasy. He added, that, when he descends into the sepulchre, there come several spirits; and he employs them to drive off good spirits and angels from everyone. He confessed this; and these are they who are of such a quality as F. G., although, because he had been among pietists, he still thinks about heaven, about the life after death, about God and about Providence, very sanely, and speaks more so - and, then, with persuasive faith, by which means he enters into the affections of the good - but, for the sake of deceiving. And still he has no conscience, although either his country should perish, or his neighbors be snatched away or murdered on his account, he having, for his only end, rule over all, and gain by means of rule. He now [seeks this] by powerful means.

Experientiae Spirituales 4740 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4740. De illis qui intrant in omnes affectiones hominis, et illas necant (Gyllenborg)

Erat quidam cum dormivi, circa tempus matutinum, qui disjecit momento binos angelos, unum qui mihi proximus, et me tunc invasit, prehendendo manu genitalia, sic volens perdere me, sed manum tenui super illis; tunc evigilatus, quaesitus quis esset, loquebatur is dicens quod esset Fr. Gyllenborg, opinatus etiam quod esset, sed erat genius ei similis; adigebatur ad loquendum et propalandum qua arte usus sit, dicebat quod sedeat ad lignum, (crucis Domini), in ejus sepulchro, in saxo ex monte olivae, et quod tunc sedeat immotus, sic ut nec angelus nec diabolus posset illum dimovere inde, fecerat sibi talia ex phantasia, addebat quod cum descendit in sepulchrum, veniant plures spiritus, et quibus utitur ad depellendum bonos spiritus ac angelos ab unoquovis, haec fassus est, et sunt illi qui tales sicut F. G., quod quia inter pietistas fuerat, adhuc cogitat de coelo, de vita post mortem, de Deo, de Providentia, admodum sane, et magis loquitur ita, et tunc cum fide persuasiva, per quod intrat in affectiones bonorum, sed fallendi causa, at usque nullam conscientiam habet, si vel pereat patria, vel diripiantur proximi, vel necentur, ejus causa, unice pro fine habens dominium super omnes, at per dominium lucrum, a potentibus.

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