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《灵界经历》 第4752节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4752

4752. Evil spirits are gifted with awareness

I observed that devils, before they have been fully purged, are endowed with an awareness surpassing others. They can see the particular things that lie around them just as snakes and eagles can see all around and gather the particulars into a single picture, and can do this in an instant. They can also understand the truth [in the tenets] of faith. But there are evil desires that dull their vision and make them unreceptive. In this state they do not believe that it is the truth, because evil desires reject the truth of faith. There are many examples of awareness that I have learned from experience, especially in the case of the devil C[harles] XII 1] and of those who inspired those [evil desires]. They were able to see in an instant how all and the least things are compatible with their goals, how to arrange and manage them to suit them, and to get rid of and oppose these things that for the sake of truth combat falsities. They were able to see individual societies where there were countless [spirits], what their intent was, and even the individuals in them and how to control them simply by looking. From this was evident what sharp vision even the worst evil spirits have before they have been fully purged.


1. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4704.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4752


It was observed that devils, before being fully vastated, enjoy the gift of observation more than others. They can perceive all the particular things which are round about, just as serpents or eagles can look abroad and gather all objects into one view, and this in a moment. They can also understand the truths of faith. But there are cupidities of evil which make them dull, and bring it to pass that they do not receive [the truth]; and in that state they do not believe that truth is truth, for cupidities of evil reject the truths of faith. Several instances of this power of observation have been experienced, especially in regard to a devil, Charles XII, and in regard to those who inspired these things. They could see, in a moment, how all things and every detail coincides with their ends; they could arrange and dispose them to their own pleasure; they could reject and oppose those things that fight against falses and in favor of truths; yea, they could see single societies, where there were innumerable persons, as to what character they were, even the individuals therein, and thus dispose things by means of sight alone. Hence it might be evident what keenness of sight is possessed by the evil, even the worst, before they are fully vastated. * *

Experientiae Spirituales 4752 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4752. Quod infernales in dote apperceptionis sint

Observatum, quod diaboli, antequam plene devastati sint, in dote apperceptionis sint prae aliis, possunt percipere singula quae circumcirca, sicut serpentes aut aquilae circumspicere, et colligere in unum, et hoc momento; etiam intelligere verum fidei; sed sunt cupiditates mali quae hebetant et faciunt ut non recipiant, et in eo statu non credant quod ita sit, nam cupiditates mali rejiciunt vera fidei. Exemplorum apperceptionis experta sunt plura; imprimis apud diab. C. XII, et apud illos qui inspirabant illos, qui potuerunt momento videre omnia et singula quomodo coincidunt cum suis finibus, ordinare et disponere ad sui favorem, rejicere et opponere illis quae pro veris contra falsa pugnant, imo potuerunt singulas societates ubi innumerabiles videre, quo animo essent, etiam singulos inibi, et sic disponere, per solum visum; inde constare potuit, qualis acies visus est malis etiam pessimis, antequam plene devastati sunt. # #

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