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《灵界经历》 第4704节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4704

4704. About Foresight and providence in the least details

Many things that happened between me and Charles XII 1were enumerated, and it was then plainly shown that the Lord's Providence had been in the least details and that all the things that are going to happen in life and after death are foreseen and provided for. Further, that unless Ch[arles] XII's state had changed from being good into anger, one of us would have totally perished, a fact attended with many circumstances which I am not at liberty to relate. From this it is clear that to the Lord all things are present and that there is providence in the very least details of all.


1. King of Sweden 1697 to 1718.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4704


Many transactions between me and Charles XII were recounted; and it was then plainly shown, that the Providence of the Lord was in the minutest details, and that all things which were going to happen to him, in life, and after death, were foreseen and provided for. Further, that, unless the state had been changed from favorable into angry, with Charles XII, one [of us] would certainly have perished. This occurred with many circumstances, which it is not allowed to relate. Hence, it was evident, that, with the Lord, all things are present, and that providence is in the minutest details of all things.

Experientiae Spirituales 4704 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4704. De Praevidentia et providentia in singularissimis

Recensita sunt plura facta inter me et C: XII et tunc ostensum manifeste, quod Domini Providentia fuerit in singularissimis, et quod ibi omnia quae eventura sunt in vita et post mortem praevisa et provisa sint; tum quod nisi status fuisset mutatus a bono in iratum apud C: XII, quod omnino unus periisset; hoc cum pluribus circumstantiis quas memorare non licet. Inde patuit quod Domino omnia praesentia sint, et providentia in omnium singularissimis.

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