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《灵界经历》 第476节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 476

476. The three leaders were thrust down out of heaven

Again last night, 1the three leaders, A., J. and M., who were near me, were thrust down. Two of them were also deprived of their power of understanding, so that they were silly - as is normally the case with devils when the faculty of understanding is taken from them and they are left with only instinct. A. was the exception, who still had use of his understanding.

Others were substituted in their place to receive those who came, but these substitutes complained that they could do nothing for them. They describe how they come in bands and ask where A. J. M. are, and how extremely ugly they look, ugly beyond description. They are completely devoid of understanding, unable to discern anything of what is true and good. Therefore they are rather to be wept over. As if insane, they scurry about through the streets of what they think to be the city Jerusalem, and beg. But no one receives them and, as they say, is willing to feed them. Their city is miserable, the streets narrow. 1748, the 15th day of January.


1. See 281, 461-464, 466, 469.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 476


This night those three primates, namely A(braham), J(acob) and M(oses), who were near me, were again thrust down, and two of them were deprived of their faculty of understanding, so that they were foolish, as is usually the case with devils from whom the faculty of perceiving is taken away, and with whom only instinct remains - except A[braham] who excels in understanding. Others were substituted in their place that they might receive those who came. But these complained that they were unable to help. They related, that they come in troops, and seek where A. J. M. are; that they appear very greatly deformed - the deformity cannot be described; that they are entirely destitute of understanding, for they can see clearly nothing of truth and good; they are therefore the more to be lamented. They run about through what they suppose to be the streets of the city of Jerusalem, as if they were insane; and they beg, but no one receives them, nor, as they say, is willing to give them nourishment. Their city is miserable, the streets are narrow. 1748, Jan. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 476 (original Latin 1748-1764)

476. Quod e coelo detrusi 1

sint tres primates

Iterum 1

hac nocte detrusi sunt tres primates, nempe A.J. et M. 2

qui prope me erant, et duo eorum orbati facultate intelligendi, sic ut essent fatui, ut solent diaboli, quibus adempta est facultas percipiendi, et quibus solus est instinctus remanens, praeter A. qui suo intellectu polluit, alii loco eorum substituti sunt, ut reciperent venientes, sed ii conquesti sunt, quod nihil proficere quirent, describunt, quod turmatim veniant, et quaerant, ubi A. J. M. et quod deformes maxime appareant, deformitas describi nequit, destituti sunt intellectu prorsus, nam nihil veri et boni perspicere possunt, ideo lamentandi potius, discurrunt sicut insani, ut putant per plateas urbis Hierosolymae, et mendicant, sed nullus eos accipit, et ut ajunt, nutritionem dare vult. Urbs eorum est miserabilis, plateae angustae. 1748, die 15 Jan.


1. The Manuscript has detruisi ut apparet

1. de casibus prioribus videantur 28 461-64, 466, 469

2. hoc est Abrahamus, Jacobus et Moses

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