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《灵界经历》 第4774节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4774

4774. After I passed through these regions, I was led to a large palace (lika med Stockholms slot 1) and there into a spacious courtyard. [I went] from the one side to the other, which was by the sea. And when I at length came toward the sea, some spirits spoke and said that a revelation had been promised and that they had awaited it a long time and now can scarcely wait longer. And then something luminous appeared like [a glow] in the darkness, from which they divined that the revelation was about to come. And when I was brought out toward that place, I heard they were saying that they were waiting for a revelation concerning Christ, whom, with a name of their own, they called the one and only man.

[2] And then one of the angels from the Lord spoke with them and taught them about the Lord, saying that there is one God and He is the Lord, and that the Father Himself, the creator, when He appeared in human form, was and is called the Son of God, from which they could have known that the Son of God was from eternity and was identical with the Father, but in Human form. They said that they understand and realize this, but that He was born a human being they do not yet grasp. They were therefore instructed by the angels how this happened, and eventually they professed that they grasped this too and that it was done for the sake of the salvation of the human race. Afterward, the same spirits who were there told us that that they had had revelations from heaven for a long time, that this was the source of their religion, and that it had been promised to them that more would be revealed to them, eventually concerning God. They knew many things about heaven and about hell that Christians are ignorant of. I perceived that those on earth with whom there was communication and inflow from this source were around the African region, partly also in Asia, nearer the Indian Ocean but not close to the ocean.


1. Swedish for similar to the Stockholm palace"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4774

4774. After I passed through these regions, I was conducted to a great palace (in appearance, like the castle at Stockholm), and into a spacious court there, extending from one side to the opposite, which is by the sea; and when, at last, I came towards the sea, certain ones spoke, and said that a revelation was promised which they have long expected, and that now they can scarcely expect it any longer. Then appeared a certain luminous appearance, as it were in gloom. Hence they conjectured that the revelation is about to come; and, then I was conducted towards that place, I heard those there say that they expect a revelation concerning Christ, whom they called by the name current amongst them, the Only Man. Then, [one] of the angels from the Lord spoke with them, and instructed them concerning the Lord, saying that there is one God, and He is the Lord, and that it is the Father Himself, the Creator, who, when He appears in human form, was, and is, called the Son of God: hence they might have known that the Son of God was from eternity, and that He was the same with the Father, but in a human form. They said that they understand and perceive this; but, that He was born a man, they do not as yet apprehend: wherefore, they were instructed by the angel how this matter was circumstanced; and they, at length, confessed that they apprehend that also, and that it happened for the sake of the salvation of the human race. The same ones who were there, afterwards related that they have long had revelations from heaven, and that thence was their religion, and that it has been promised them that many things should be revealed to them, and, finally, touching God. They knew many things about heaven and hell which Christians are ignorant of. It was perceived that those in the earth, with whom there is thence communication and influx, were about the region of Africa, partly also in Asia, rather near the Indian Sea, but not in the immediate neighborhood of the sea.

Experientiae Spirituales 4774 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4774. Postquam has regiones pertransibam, perducebar ad magnum palatium (lika med Stockholms slott, et ibi in amplam curiam, ab una parte ad oppositam quae est ad mare, cumque tandem versus mare veniebam, loquebantur quidam, et dicebant, quod promissa sit revelatio, et quod diu exspectaverint eam, et quod nunc vix diutius exspectare possint, et tunc apparebat luminosum quoddam sicut in obscuro, exinde divinabant, quod revelatio ventura; cumque illuc versus productus sum, audivi quod dicerent, se exspectare revelationem de Christo, quem suo nomine vocabant unicum hominem, et tunc [unus] ex angelis ex Domino loquebatur cum illis, et instruebat de Domino, dicens quod unus Deus sit, et Ille Dominus, et quod Ipse Pater creator cum apparet in forma humana, dictus sit et dicatur Filius Dei, inde scire potuerint quod Filius Dei fuerit ab aeterno, et quod fuerit idem cum Patre, sed in Humana forma: dicebant quod hoc intelligant et percipiant, sed quod natus sit homo, adhuc non capiant, quapropter instruebantur ab angelo, quomodo cum hoc se habuit, et tandem fassi sunt, quod id quoque capiant, et quod hoc factum sit salvationis humani generis gratia. Postea narrabant iidem qui ibi, quod diu habuerint revelationes e coelo, et quod inde eorum religio, et quod promissum fuerit illis quod revelarentur illis plura, et tandem de Deo, sciebant plura de coelo et de inferno, quae Christiani ignorant. Perceptum quod illi in tellure, cum quibus inde communicatio et influxus essent circa regionem Africae, partim etiam in Asia, propius ad mare Indicum, sed non juxta mare.

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