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《灵界经历》 第4773节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4773

4773. About the new Church

In vision while awake I was led through several regions, forward a little to the left for quite a considerable distance, until I came into a tract where there were spirits from this earth. On the way I was occupied in thought influenced by the spirits' minds and nature, and at every point I was almost driven to reflect on myself, on my own sense of merit, and to ascribe all the things that were happening through me to myself. The reason for this was that the spirits of those regions through which I was being led were such that in the world they had believed they had earned salvation through their own works, particularly in the instances when they had done good works from the precepts of religion. There was one region where they still more clearly and obviously ascribed all things to themselves or [their own] credit, and it was almost at the end of all the rest, because the regions of this kind were so arranged that such a faith kept increasing. This region was also where, because there was such an innumerable gang devoid of faith, they doubted whether any salvation was possible, but believed that due to the multitude of disbelievers who had overwhelming power and virtually overflowed, the angelic heaven would perish.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4773


In a wakeful vision, I was conducted through several regions, forwards, a little towards the left, for quite a remarkable distance, until [I arrived] within the tract where are the spirits from this globe. On the way, I was taken possession of according to the minds and nature of the spirits, and, everywhere, was almost compelled to reflect upon myself and my merit, and to attribute all things which were done by me to myself. The reason was, because the spirits of those regions through which I was conducted, were of such as, in the world, believed salvation to be merited by their works, and this in the particulars, when they have done well from the precepts of religion. There was a region, where, still more conspicuously and manifestly, they attributed all things to themselves or to merit. This region was nearly at the end of the rest; for all these regions were so arranged, that such a faith should go on increasing. There was also a region where they doubted, on account of so innumerable a crowd in infidelity, whether any salvation can be given, but [supposed], that, on account of the multitude of infidels which prevailed and as it were overflowed, the angelic heaven would perish.

Experientiae Spirituales 4773 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4773. De nova Ecclesia

In visione vigili perducebar per aliquot regiones antrorsum versus sinistrum paulo ad distantiam satis insignem, usque intra tractum ubi spiritus ex hac tellure; in via occupabar secundum spirituum animos et naturam, et ubique fere adigebar reflectere super me, super meum meritum, et attribuere omnia quae fiebant per me, mihi, ex causa, quia spiritus illarum regionum per quas perducebar, erant tales, quod in mundo crediderint mereri salutem per sua opera, et hoc in singulis cum benefecerunt ex praeceptis religionis; erat regio, ubi exstantius et manifestius adhuc tribuebant omnia sibi seu merito; et haec regio erat paene ad finem reliquarum, quia regiones tales ita erant dispositae ut accresceret talis fides; regio etiam erat, ubi quia tam innumerabilis turba in infidelitate, dubitabant num aliqua salus dari possit, sed [credebant] ob multitudinem infidelium, quae praevaleret et quasi inundaret, [quod] periret coelum angelicum.

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