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《灵界经历》 第478节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 478

478. By the fantasies said to be shed with reluctance are meant the [newly arrived] soul's grosser fantasies, that pertain to the body and the earthly mind. Inward ones, however, that are in agreement and thus harmonious with truly heavenly truth and goodness, remain, causing them to live a life as if their own, with heavenly joy and gladness - and this is the rainbow spoken of in Genesis [9:12-17]. Its harmonious symmetry is created, and shaped, by Jesus Christ Alone. 1748, the 15th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 478

478. As to what has been said about phantasies, it is to be understood that they are put off with resistance, that is, the grosser phantasies which are of the body, and the natural ones which are of the soul; but the interior phantasies which are conformable, and thus concordant with truly heavenly verity and goodness, remain. Hence man lives as if from himself, with heavenly joy and gladness, and this is the "rainbow", concerning which see Genesis [chapter IX], the conformation of which is effected and formed by Jesus Christ alone. 1748, Jan. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 478 (original Latin 1748-1764)

478. Quod de phantasiis dictum, intelligendum est, quod cum renisu exuantur, nempe crassiores, quae sunt corporis, et naturalis 1

animae, verum remanent interiores, quae conformes sunt, et sic concordes cum veritate et bonitate vere coelesti, inde homo vivit, sicut ex se, cum gaudio et laetitia coelesti, et hoc est iris, de qua in Genesi [9:12-17], conformatio ejus a Solo Jesu Christo, fit, et formatur. 1748, die 15 Jan.


1. nisi potius legeris cum in J.F.I. Tafel's edition naturales

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