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《灵界经历》 第4783节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4783

4783. Continuation about the Church

From these things it was evident what is meant where the Lord says about the last judgment that it is called His coming, the consummation of the age, and also the time when the temple would be destroyed, Matt. 24:1, 2, 3. The angels spoke about the coming of the Lord, saying that as often as a new Church must be established, the Lord Himself comes and teaches, as happened when the most ancient and ancient [churches were established], about which see n:..., and especially when the Jewish [Church was established]. Then the Lord appeared to Moses in a bush and on Mount Sinai, and also through the prophets through whom [came] the Word, which [comes] from Himself. It is also the same now with those with whom a new Church must be established, whom the Lord Himself will teach through angels.

[2] Also, the Africans are more receptive of the heavenly doctrine than others on this earth, as I have been informed by spirits from that region. They receive the doctrine about the Lord from the angels gladly. More than others, they have ingrained within them [the idea] that God must appear altogether as person, and that it could never be otherwise. They have the ability to receive not only faith's truths but also especially its goods. They are of a heavenly nature.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4783


From these things it was evident, what that signifies which the Lord said where He speaks of the last judgment - that it is called His Coming, the consummation of the age, when also the temple should be destroyed (Matt. 24:1-3). The angels said concerning the Coming of the Lord, that, as often as a new Church was to be raised up, the Lord Himself should come, and teach, like as when the Most Ancient and Ancient [Churches were established], concerning which see n. . . . especially when the Jewish [Church was established]: the Lord then appeared in a bush to Moses, again on Mount Sinai, and also through the prophets by whom the Word, which is from Himself was given so also, now, with those among whom a new Church is to be raised up, whom the Lord Himself teaches by the angels. Moreover, the Africans are more receptive than others in this earth, of the heavenly doctrine - which it was given to know from the spirits who are thence. These willingly receive, from the angels, the doctrine concerning the Lord. They, more than others, have it implanted in themselves that the Lord must appear altogether as a man, and that it can by no means happen otherwise. They are in the capacity of receiving not only the truths of faith, but especially its goods. They are of the celestial genius.

Experientiae Spirituales 4783 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4783. Continuatio de Ecclesia

Ex his constabat, quid significat quod Dominus dicit ubi de ultimo judicio, quod id dicatur adventus Ipsius, consummatio saeculi, cum quoque destruetur templum, Matth. XXIV: 1, 2, 3, 2, 3. Loquuti sunt angeli de adventu Domini, quod quoties nova Ecclesia instauranda esset, Ipse Dominus venerit, et docuerit, sicut quando antiquissima et antiqua, de quibus n:... 1

imprimis quando Judaica, tunc apparuit Dominus in rubo Moschi, tum super monte Sinai, et quoque per prophetas, per quos Verbum quod ab Ipso, ita quoque nunc apud illos apud quos instauranda est Ecclesia nova, quos Ipse Dominus per angelos docet.

[2] Sunt quoque Africani prae aliis in hac tellure receptibiles doctrinae coelestis, quod scire datum est a spiritibus qui inde, hi recipiunt libenter doctrinam de Domino ab angelis, habent in se id insitum prae aliis, quod Deus omnino appariturus sit ut homo, et quod nequaquam aliter fieri possit; sunt in facultate recipiendi non modo vera fidei sed imprimis bona ejus, sunt ex indole coelesti.


1. AC, passim

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