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《灵界经历》 第4788节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4788

4788. What a marshy place or gytta 1is

In a dream a certain one appeared setting something on fire, but water was submerging it. It was on a rock that was below another rock. Seeing this I remarked that he couldn't set it on fire because water was submerging it. If he wanted to set a fire, he needed to let the water out the side somewhere, and it turned out this was possible, or if he wished, he needed to do this on the higher rock, where it was dry. I said this, but he did not do it. He wanted to set fire to the material that was under the waters. This, to light a fire, symbolized to act piously, to pray and the like; waters are the falsities that submerged this. The lower rock, where there was water, was charity; and the higher rock, where there was none, was faith in the Lord. It was Bonoschold 2.

[2] There was a marsh nearby, that is to say, a pool of totally marshy liquid. He went there once and came back, but after this he went there and sank and could not be pulled up. However, another person and I looked into how he could be lifted up, but no way was found. Something bubbling was seen, as if he would emerge, but he did not. After this he seemed to sink more and more deeply.


1. Swedish for slough"

2. Gustaf Boneauschold (died 1754) held numerous government positions and was a good friend of the author's father.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4788


During my sleep, a certain one appeared to set something on fire, but water flowed over it. It was upon a rock, which was lower than another. Seeing this, I said that he could not burn it there because the water flowed over it, so that if he wishes to set it on fire water is emitted from somewhere at the side: it was so arranged also, in order that it could be emitted: but if he wishes to do so on the upper rock, where it was dry, [he could]. I said this, but he did not do so; he wished to set fire to the material which was under the waters. This is what it signified: to kindle a fire is to act piety, to love, and the like; the waters which overflowed are falses; the lower rock where the water was, was charity, and the upper rock, where it was not, was faith in the Lord. The person was Boneauschold. There was a marsh near by, or an altogether marshy water - a pond. He went thither once and returned; but afterwards he went thither and was immersed, and could not be raised up. Nevertheless, I and another sought to discover in what way he might be raised out, but none was discovered: there appeared a sort of bubbling as if he might emerge, but he did not. He afterwards appeared to be immersed deeper and deeper.

Experientiae Spirituales 4788 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4788. Quid paludinosum vel gyttja 1

Apparebat in somno quidam incendere aliquid, sed aqua superfluebat, erat super petra, quae erat inferior altera, hoc videns dixi, quod ibi incendere illud non posset, quia aqua superfluit, si velit ut incendatur, aquam emittet alicubi ad latera, erat quoque ita, ut posset emitti; vel si velit in superiore petra id facere, ubi erat siccum, hoc dicebam, sed ille non faciebat, volebat accendere ignem materiae quae sub aquis, hoc significabat, ignem accendere, est pium agere, orare et similia, aquae sunt falsa quae superfluebant, et petra inferior ubi aqua erat charitas, et petra superior, ubi non erat, erat fides in Dominum, erat Bonoschold.

[2] Palus erat juxta, seu liquidum prorsus paludinosum stagnum, illuc ibat semel et rediit, sed postea ibat illuc, et immersus est, et non potuit elevari, tamen alter et ego explorabamus quomodo elevari posset, sed non inventus est, apparebat ebullitionis quid, sicut emergeret, sed non emersit, postea apparuit profundius et profundius immergi.


1. =limus, lutum (vox suecica)

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