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《灵界经历》 第4787节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4787

4787. Armklade, hufwa, gaffel 1

Armklade betyder perceptionis gafwa in utwartet, och hufwan betyder utwartes forstandsgafwa, fruntimber hafwa den och da de tagas ifran dem, mista de de utwarte gafwarna, som och bewistas med det at de som taga sadant af fruntimber mista den. 2

A fork symbolizes knowledge of sensual things because it is used for eating in respect to physical substances. There was a certain man who had such a fork (E[rik] B[enzelius] 3). He was taken up with sensual things and knowledge about them, and in whatever direction he stretched out the fork, in an instant he followed and was there. This was in fact demonstrated by him through an experience. The reason this happens is that he then has a communication with societies who are taken up with sensual things, and these are things that attract everyone's mind, table talk in general is made up of subjects on the level of the senses and their facts.

Likaledes strumpor, skor, buxor, lifstycke, klader, mossa, hatt, signif: tagas af del som det beklader. 4


1. Swedish for shirt, head shawl, fork"

2. Swedish for: ԓhirt means the gift of perceiving how things are in outward matters, and a head shawl means the gift of an understanding of outward matters, women folk possess this, and when they [i.e., these articles] are taken away from them, they lose the outer gifts, as also is shown from the fact that they who take such articles away from women themselves lose this gift"

3. Probably Erik Benzelius the Younger (1675ֱ743), brother-in-law of the author, librarian and professor of theology at the University of Uppsala; later Bishop of Linkoping.

4. Swedish for Ԍikewise stockings, shoes, trousers, undergarments, clothing, a cap, a hat. Their meaning is taken from the part they clothe" These words are in the margin of the original; however, no indication was given regarding their reference point.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4787


A kerchief signifies the gift of perception in external things, and a cap signifies the gift of external understanding. Women have these faculties; and if these faculties are taken from them, they lose the outward gifts [i. e., the articles of apparel mentioned], which was proved by someone taking these faculties from them, when the women lost those portions of apparel. 1A fork signifies the science of sensuals, because it serves, in externals, for eating. A certain one (Ericus Benzelius), who had been in sensuals and their science, had such a fork; and, in whatever direction he stretched it out, he himself followed in an instant, and was there. This was also shown by him, experimentally. The reason that this happens, is, because he then has communication with societies which are in sensuals, and these are what attract the minds of all to themselves; for his general speech, for more than a month, is from sensuals and their science. In like manner the signification of stockings, of shoes, of trousers, of under-vests, of garments, of a man's cap and of a hat, is taken from the part of the body which they clothe. 2


1. In the original (Swedish) the passage runs thus:

"Armklede betyder perceptions gafwan in (och?) vtwartes, och hufwau bstyder vtwertes forstandz gafwan, fruntimber hafwa den, och da den tages ifran dem, mista de de vtwertas gafworna, som och bewistes med det at de som taga sadant och fruentimbren mjsta den. --See Swedenborg's "Drommar," p. 65, Appendix.

2. In the original (Swedish) the passage runs thus:

"Likaledes strumpor, skor, boxor, lifstycke, klutar (? klader) mossa, hsatt, signification tages af det som det beklader" -See, as before, Swedenborg's "Drommar," p. 65, Appendix.

Experientiae Spirituales 4787 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4787. Armklade, hufwa, gaffel 1

Armklade betyder perceptionis gafwa in utwartet, och hufwan betyder utwartes forstandsgafwa, fruntimber hafwa den, och da de tagas ifran dem, mista de de utwarte gafwarna, som och bewistas med det at de som taga sadant af fruntimber mista den. 1

Gaffel significat scientiam sensualium, quia inservit comedendis in externis, quidam forcipem talem habebat, (E. B.), qui fuerat in sensualibus et eorum scientia, et is quocunque porrigebat illum, ipse in instanti sequebatur et ibi erat, hoc per experientiam etiam ab illo ostensum est; causa quod id fiat, est quia tunc ei est communicatio a societatibus qui in sensualibus, et ea sunt quae omnium animos ad se attrahunt, nam communis loquela super mensis est ex sensualibus et eorum scientia.

Likaledes strumpor, skor, buxor, lifstycke, klader, mossa, hatt, signif: tagas af del som det beklader. 2


1. Muccinium, mitra, forceps

Muccinia significant perceptionis dotem in externo, et mitra significat externamn intellectus dotem, mulieres eam habent, et cum iis auferatur, amittunt dotes externas, quod etiam eo comitatur quod qui mulieribus talem auferunt [ipsi] eam amittant. (Verba suecica)

2. = Similiter tibialia, calcei, bracae, subuculae seu vestes ultimae (vide 4811), vestes, galerus, pileus, significatio sumitur a parte, quam amicit. (Verba suecica)

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