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《灵界经历》 第4791节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4791

4791. About those who are from the Moravian Church

These, as spoken of above, appeared as before [4785], to the right a little, on the level of the sole of the foot. They live among themselves. But they were tempted by the devil and at first resisted. But then they succumbed and acted jointly with him in persecuting me when I was engaged in reading and study of the Word. And then, because [their natures] were such, they were split up. Certain of them were brought under the sole of the foot, and then on the right they were let into a long room. They were examined as to the nature of their faith, and it was ascertained that they acknowledge the Lord not as God but as a person and worship Him as such. And [it was further ascertained] that they love Him because He saves them in preference to others. [This is] because they believe that no others can be saved than those who have faith and love Him, thus that all others in the universe are condemned. They call them the dead. They bring this with them into the other life. They also believe that good works, and in general a life of goodness, accomplish nothing, but only faith in what is true and love to the Lord as a person.

[2] Therefore they also separate goodness from truth; and they also believe that the Word of the Old Testament has been abrogated. And besides doing this, they wrongly interpret all the places in the New Testament where it treats of good works because they believe that no one can do a good work apart from believing that merit is acquired by doing it. Besides this, they believe that when they love the Lord as a person, they can do whatever comes up as they please, even mislead others outside of their own congregation, go whoring even though they are married, and the like, because they believe that nothing damns them since they are in the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4791


These, as was said above, appeared as before, a very little to the right in the plane of the sole of the foot. They live together, but were tempted by a devil; and, at first, they resisted. But, afterwards, they succumbed, and joined with him in persecuting me: when engaged in the reading and study of the Word; and then, being of such a character, they were divided. Some of them were brought under the sole of the foot, and then were introduced into a long chamber at the right. They were explored as to what faith they were in; and it was discovered that they do not acknowledge the Lord as God, but as a man, and so worship Him, and that they love Him because He saves them in preference to others; for they believe that no others can be saved except those who have faith and love Him: thus, that all the rest in the universe, whom they call dead, are condemned. They carry this notion with them in the other life. They also believe that good work, and a life of good in general, effect nothing, but only faith in the truth, and love to the Lord as a man. Therefore, they also separate good from truth: further, too, they believe that the Word of the Old Testament is abrogated, and also explain away all those places in the New Testament where good works are treated of; for they believe that no one can do a good work, unless he believes he merits thereby. Moreover, they believe that when they love the Lord as a man, they can do whatever they please, even deceive others outside their congregation, commit whoredom although they are married, and similar things; for they believe that this does not damn, because they are in the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 4791 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4791. De illis qui ab Ecclesia Moraviana

Illi, ut supra dictum est, apparebant, ut prius [4785], dextrum, paululum, in plano plantae pedis; inter se vivunt, sed tentati sunt a diabolo restiterunt primum, sed dein succubuerunt cum illo in persequendo me, ubi lectio ac studium Verbi, unum agebant tunc, quia tales, divisi sunt, quidam eorum adducti sub plantam pedis dein dextrum intromissi in cameram longam: explorati sunt qua fide essent compertum quod agnoscant Dominum non ut Deum sed ut hominem sic adorent Illum quod ament illum quia salvat eos prae aliis, nam credunt, quod alii salvari non possunt, quam qui fidem habent amant Illum, ita quod omnes reliqui in universo condemnati sint, quos vocant mortuos, hoc secum ferunt in alteram vitam; credunt etiam quod bonum opus in genere vita boni nihil faciat, sed solum fides veri amor in Dominum ut hominem; quare etiam separant bonum a vero; tum quoque credunt, quod Verbum veteris Testamenti abrogatum sit quoque explicant sinistre omnia illa loca in Novo Testamento ubi agitur de bonis operibus, nam credunt quod nemo possit bonum opus facere, nisi credat mereri per illa: praeterea credunt, quod cum amant Dominum ut hominem, possint facere quicquid obvenit lubitum, etiam fallere alios extra suam congregationem, scortari tametsi maritati similia, nam credunt quod hoc nihil damnet, quia sunt in Domino.

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