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《灵界经历》 第4793节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4793

4793. Besides this, they have some sort of hatred for those who think otherwise, especially for those who take the Lord as being God and who do something motivated by goodness, that is to say, by [good] works in general. They themselves do good to each other, but out of a friendship that counterfeits charity. And they also have hatred for the Word, especially the Old Testament, in general against its inner meaning. Also, as a consequence, they no longer love the Lord but are now beginning to attack [Him] because in secret they are collaborating with the devil. However, in what way and to what extent, I do not yet know. In consequence of this, filthy acts done by them are beginning to appear.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4793

4793. Moreover, they are in a certain kind of hatred against those who think differently, especially against those who make out the Lord to be God, and this because these do something from the good of charity or of works, in general. They do good to each other, in turn; but this is from friendship, which counterfeits charity; and they are also opposed to the Word of the Old Testament: in general, are opposed to the internal sense [of the Word]. Thus, also, they no longer love the Lord, but begin now to persecute Him; for, in secret, they make one with the devil; but in what sort and to what extent, I do not as yet know. Hence, from them, infamous things begin to appear.

Experientiae Spirituales 4793 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4793. Praeterea sunt in aliqua specie odii contra illos, qui aliter cogitant, imprimis contra illos qui faciunt Dominum Deum, et qui ex bono charitatis seu operum communi faciunt aliquid - sibi invicem bonum faciunt, sed hoc ex amicitia, quae mentitur charitatem - et quoque contra Verbum, veteris Testamenti, in genere contra sensum internum: ita quoque non amplius amant Dominum, sed incipiunt nunc persequi, nam unum faciunt cum diabolo in occulto, sed qualiter et quantum nondum scio. Inde turpia incipiunt apparere ab illis.

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