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《灵界经历》 第4794节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4794

4794. A filthy act done by them was disclosed as well. There was a spirit who was with me. He was a good [spirit], and he was closely connected with me. There were two times that he was secretly lured by them, and they did terribly filthy things with him, one after another, a kind of adultery. But while they imagined it was that spirit, they were others who were involved with him in worldly affairs. They were also made visible later by the fact that that they committed filthy acts. It was granted me to know in what way they believe the Word's goods and truths, namely, by perverting these more than others do, for this is shown in the other life by similar acts of adultery. Besides this they also secretly seek opportunities to inflict injury in wicked ways.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4794

4794. There was also an infamous thing from them which was detected: to wit, there was a certain spirit with me, who was in good; and he was adjoined to me. He was twice called forth by them, in secret; and they did the most infamous things to him, one after another, in the way of corrupting him. They supposed it was that spirit [they had worked on], but it was others who were with him in externals - who were, also, afterwards pointed out. From the fact of their perpetrating abominations, it is given to know how they believe in the truths and goods of the Word, to wit, that they pervert these things more than others do; for this is exhibited, in the other life, by things like adulterations. Moreover, they also seek opportunities of injuring stealthily, in heinous ways.

Experientiae Spirituales 4794 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4794. Turpe quod ab illis etiam detectum est, quod aliquis spiritus qui apud me erat, qui in bono, qui adjunctus mihi, ab illis in occulto bis evocatus sit, et cum illo turpissima fecerunt, unus post alterum, modo adulterationis, sed putabant esse spiritum illum, sed erant alii qui in externis cum eo erant, qui etiam postea monstrati, ex eo quod turpia patrarent, scire datum est, quomodo vera et bona Verbi credant, quod nempe pervertant illa plus quam alii, nam hoc per adulterationum similia in altera vita monstratur. Praeterea etiam quaerunt clam occasiones laedendi modis nefariis.

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