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《灵界经历》 第4806节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4806

4806. Still more crimes were revealed which they had committed from their religion's terrible zeal. There was a certain one who said that he had heard a voice from an angel above his bed saying that they should worship God the Father and God the Son and the holy [sic] Spirit. He told this to some of his brethren. There were six of them. They said, however, that this voice had not come from the Lord, because they believe that the Lord must be called the Son of God and the Lamb of God but not God the Son, thus not God. They demanded to know what he believed. He said that he believed in God the Son, and when he said this, they deliberated among themselves and decided that they would kill him. However, although he had been hit, he got himself up and out through a door with effort. (Nevertheless he was later killed by them with poison.) He escaped outside through a door, at which point a trembling seized everyone's bodies, which terrified everyone.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4806

4806. There were disclosed still more misdeeds, which they perpetrated out of an execrable zeal for their religion. There was a certain one, who said that he had heard, above his roof, a voice from an angel, that they should worship God the Father, and God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He related this to certain of his brethren, who were six in number; but these said that that voice did not come from the Lord, because they believe that the Lord ought to be called the Son of God, and Lamb of God, but not God the Son; thus, not God. They asked him what was his belief; he said that he believes in God the Son. When he said this, they consulted together and determined that they would kill him; but he was frightened, and got himself out, by force, through the door. But still he afterwards died by poison, [administered] by them. He fled forth through the door, because a trembling seized all their bodies, which terrified them.

Experientiae Spirituales 4806 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4806. Detegebantur adhuc plura facinora quae patrarunt ex nefando zelo sui religiosi, quidam qui dixit super lecto audivisse vocem ex angelo, ut colant Deum Patrem et Deum Filium et Spiritum sanctum, hoc narravit quibusdam ex fratribus suis, qui numero 6 fuerunt, sed hi dicebant, quod illa vox non a Domino venerit, quia credunt quod Dominus dicendus sit Filius Dei, et agnus Dei, non autem Deus Filius, ita non Deus, interrogabant illum quomodo ille credit, is dixit quod credat in Deum Filium, cum hoc dixit consultabant inter se, et decernebant quod interficerent illum, sed ille percussus sed per vim se extulit per januam; sed usque postea per venenum ab illis mortuus est; eripuit se foras per januam, quo tremor occupabat omnium corpora, qui terrefecit eos.

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