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《灵界经历》 第4807节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4807

4807. After some time, as they talked about this incident, a certain one said that a trembling had seized them and that this had come from the Lord to prevent them killing him. This roused their anger again, and they debated whether they should murder him too on this account, and decided to do so. The reason was that he also had said that he should not be put to death. But when he eventually declared that he too wanted to kill him, he was then let go and so escaped. Afterwards he shouted at them that they are a kind he no longer wanted to associate with. They plotted against his life, too.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4807

4807. After some time, when they spoke concerning that matter, a certain one said a trembling had seized them, and that this was from the Lord, to prevent them killing the man. This excited them to anger anew; and they deliberated, concerning him, whether they should kill him on that account, and they also determined on that. The reason was, because he also said that [the former one] ought not to be slain; but when he, at length, professed that he himself was also willing to slay him, he was then let go; and so, he broke away, and afterwards cried out to them, that they are of such a character that he no longer wished to be with them. They plotted against his life, also.

Experientiae Spirituales 4807 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4807. Post aliquod tempus cum loquerentur de illa re, quidam dixit quod tremor occupaverit eos, et quod hoc a Domino, ne interficerent illum, hoc rursus excitabat illos ad iram, et deliberabant de eo num eum propterea occiderent, et quoque decreverunt, causa erat quia etiam dixit quod non necandus esset, sed cum tandem professus est quod ipse quoque necare illum vellet, tunc dimissus est, et sic erupit, et postea clamavit ad illos, quod sint tales cum quibus non amplius esse vellet; contra hujus vitam etiam machinati sunt.

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