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《灵界经历》 第4816节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4816

4816. They said that where the Lord spoke about love and doing good, as when He says he who hears and does not do is foolish, and he who hears and does is prudent [Matt. 7:24-27], and similar things in other places, He spoke insanely. [They said that this was] because He had evil just as they, but that He has been received before others by the Father out of Mercy. In a word, they are entirely insane in respect to the Church.

They pretend they are Lutherans because they do not make their secrets public but simply say that they believe in the Lord, that they believe one is saved by faith alone, that they reject all merit, and that they are saved out of mercy, even the evil, if they simply have faith. Lutherans are persuaded by these statements that they have truths like their own, but behind the ears a serpent lies hidden.

They do not call the goods of charity, or good works, the fruit of faith, but say that the fruit of faith is salvation no matter how a person lives.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4816

4816. Where the Lord spoke concerning love, and doing good, as that he who hears and does not is foolish, and he who hears and does is prudent, and the like in other places, they said that then the Lord spoke insanely, being in evil like themselves, but that he was accepted by the Father, for them, out of mercy. In a word, in [that] Church they are wholly insane. They pretended they are Lutherans, in virtue of the fact that they do not publish their arcana but only say that they believe in the Lord, that they believe themselves to be saved by faith alone, that they reject all merit, and that they are saved from mercy, even the evil, if only they have faith. From these things, the Lutherans are persuaded that they are [in] similar truths with themselves, but behind the ears is hidden a serpent. They do not call the goods of charity, or good works, the fruit of faith; but they say the fruit of faith is salvation, no matter how man lives.

Experientiae Spirituales 4816 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4816. Ubi Dominus loquutus est de amore et facere bonum, ut quod qui audit et non facit sit stultus, et qui audit et facit sit prudens [Matth. VII: 24-27], et similia alibi, dicebant quod tunc Dominus insane loquutus sit, quia in malo sicut illi, sed quod prae illis ex Misericordia acceptus sit a Patre. Verbo sunt prorsus insani in Ecclesia. Mentiti sunt esse Lutheranos ex eo quod non propalent sua arcana, sed modo dicant quod credant in Dominum, quod credant salvari per fidem solam, quod rejiciant omne meritum, quod salventur ex misericordia, etiam mali, si modo fidem habeant; ex his persuadentur Lutherani quod veris similibus secum sint, sed post aures latet serpens. Fructum fidei non vocant bona charitatis seu bona opera, sed dicunt fructum fidei esse salvationem, utcunque vivit homo.

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