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《灵界经历》 第4815节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4815

4815. Such crimes have terrified the rest in this group, and they dare not speak a word against their persuasive heresy.

I noticed that inwardly they are cruel and that they listen very attentively to what another person's opinion is. If it differs, they contemplate killing him.

They say among themselves that this is permissible and good because it is an act against those who are [spiritually] dead and hellish, just as it was permissible for the Jews to treat gentiles harshly.

And no one does a good deed to another. If a good deed is done, then the other immediately becomes hostile because they virtually insist that the other person give something back. As a result there are murderous acts of vengeance against all who do good. And they have nothing bad to say about those who do evil.

They believe that all who entertain their persuasive heresy are living and saved, and that they and not others are going to be received into heaven.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4815

4815. By such crimes, the rest in that congregation are terrified, and do not open their mouth to speak a word against their persuasive heresy. It was noticed that they are interiorly cruel, and that they listen with great attention to the opinion of another; if it differs from theirs, they harbor the intention of killing him. They say, amongst themselves, that this is lawful and good, because against the dead, who are infernal, - just as it was allowed the Jews to treat the nations. Nor does anyone do a benefit to another: if so, then at once he is made an enemy; but they as it were beg that he would give. Such deadly vengeance do they cherish against all who do good; nor do they speak ill against evil-doers. They believe all who admit their persuasive heresy to be living and saved, and thus received into heaven, and no others.

Experientiae Spirituales 4815 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4815. Ex talibus facinoribus territi sunt reliqui in ea congregatione, nec hiscunt loqui contra eorum persuasivam haeresin verbum. Animadversum quod illi interius crudeles sint; et quod attentissime audiant qua opinione sit alter; si alia, quod animo gerant illum interficiendi. Dicunt inter se, quod hoc licitum sit, et bonum, quia contra mortuos, qui sunt infernales, sicut licuit Judaeis tractare gentes. Nec unus alteri beneficium facit, si beneficium, tunc statim fit inimicus, sed quasi urgent ut det: sic internecina vindicta sunt contra omnes qui bonum faciunt: nec male loquuntur contra maleficos. Omnes qui admittunt persuasivam suam haeresin, credunt vivos esse, et salvatos, ita recipiendos in coelum, et non alios.

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