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《灵界经历》 第4819节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4819

4819. The heavenly [angels], and about the inspiration of the Word

The opportunity was given to chat in a certain way with heavenly angels. And it was observed that when I wasn't thinking about it the very least thing I did, as when I moved my hand or a finger, when I brought them to my chest, face, or eyes, came to them as something spoken because these littlest things came from my will and thus from affection.

It was said by them that they sensed whether someone was going to come to me that day, but [that they perceive this] from an unexplainable idea. This I also was able to infer from the fact that some know such things within themselves, which is called a Mystery and certain ones sensed fortunate and unfortunate events as if foretold. From this it is evident that the Lord controls all and the least things and that He sees and foresees all and the least things in a person down to the very least.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4819


It was granted to chat in a certain manner with celestials; and it was observed that each thing which I did, and this when I was not thinking - as, for instance, when I moved a hand, or a finger, moved them towards the breast, face, or eyes - conveyed speech to them; because each of these things was from the will, and hence from affection. They said that they perceive whether anyone is about to come to me on that day, but this by an inexpressible idea; which I was able also to conclude from the fact that some have a knowledge of such things within themselves. This inexpressible idea is called an arcanum. Some perceive as regards fortunate and unfortunate matters, as if it were foretold. From these things it is clearly apparent, that the Lord rules each and every event, and that He sees and foresees each and every event, with man, even to the minutest details.

Experientiae Spirituales 4819 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4819. Coelestes et de Verbi inspiratione

Datum est certo modo blaterare cum coelestibus, et observatum quod singula quae feci, et hoc cum non cogitavi - ut cum moverem manum, digitum, admoverem pectori, faciei, vel oculis - ad illos ut loquela veniat, qui singula illa ex voluntate et inde affectione. Dictum est ab illis, quod percipiant num aliquis eo die venturus ad me, sed hoc inexpressibili idea, quod quoque concludere potui ab eo, quod quidam talia in se sciant, quod vocatur Arcanum, [a] quibusdam de fortunis et infortuniis percipitur, quasi praenuntiatur. Ex his clare apparet, quod Dominus regat omnia et singula, et quod omnia et singula usque ad singularissima apud hominem videat et praevideat.

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