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《灵界经历》 第4820节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4820

4820. When I wrote and had a certain intervening heavenly perception, I then realized and said that everything down to the least words and syllables, with their little horns, were perceived by heavenly angels, and they spoke with them as well. This happens because the affection a person has at that time is communicated to the hand or into the hand, since, because the hand is an instrument [of the body], it is the actual person. This showed how the Word had been inspired, that it was inspired as to its very least jot and tittle. It is due to this that my handwriting reflected the affection and obscurity in my mind at the time.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4820

4820. While I wrote, and was in a certain intermediate celestial perception, it was then perceived, and said, that each and every word and syllable, with their little twirls, were perceived by the celestials, and, as it were, spoke to them. This comes to pass from the affection, in which man then is, being communicated to the hand, or in the hand; for the hand, being power, is the man himself thence it was evident in what manner the Word was inspired - that it is as to the minutest jot and point. Hence it is, that, in writing, the hand was circumstanced according to the affection of the mind and the obscurity in me.

Experientiae Spirituales 4820 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4820. Cum scriberem et in perceptione quadam intermedia coelesti essem, tunc perceptum et dictum, quod omnia et singula verba, et syllabae, cum suis corniculis, perciperentur a coelestibus, et quasi loquerentur cum illis, quod fit ex affectione, in qua tunc est homo, communicata manui, vel in manu, nam manus quia est potentia est ipse homo, inde constabat, quomodo inspiratum fuerit Verbum, quod quoad singularissimam jotham et apicem. Inde est quod scriptura manus se habuerit secundum animi affectionem et obscuritatem apud me.

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