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《灵界经历》 第4827节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4827

4827. About those who are magicians in the other life as a result of evil practices in the world. (Maul)

A certain Englishman (Maul) had cheated his associates in the world and defrauded them of their property. These fraudulent practices were turned into magic:

1) He was able to take off one (mossan 1) and put on others, many and different kinds of them, and depending on their placement produce perceptions of and belief in different things on the part of those on whom the caps were put, for a mossa symbolizes such things.

2) He was also able to offer various cups to drink from and in this way cause his listeners to understand just as he spoke [the matter], because to give to drink is to instruct and convince.

3) He was not allowed to touch others with his hand or fingers, because by so doing he almost killed them off؛a trick] he learned because it corresponded to his life in the world where he had defrauded his associates of their wealth and made them paupers by inserting false amounts in the Ledger, and these were large.


1. Swedish for "the cap"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4827


A certain Englishman (Maul) had, in the world, cheated his associates, and fraudulently taken away their property. These frauds were turned into magic. First, he was able to take away the cap [from some spirits] and to put it on others, yea, many and various kinds; and, according to the various sorts put on, were produced the perceptions and credulities of those on whom they were put; for a cap signifies such things. Second, he was also able to give drink from various vessels, and to thus bring it to pass that they understood a thing just as he declared it; for to [give to] drink, is to instruct and persuade. Third, he is not allowed to touch others with a hand, or the fingers; for in this way he almost destroyed them - which he derived from the fact that it corresponded to his life in the world. He had, there, fraudulently taken away from his associates their property, and impoverished them, by inserting in his account false and large amounts.

Experientiae Spirituales 4827 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4827. De magicis in altera vita ex artibus malis in mundo, Maul)

Quidam Angl. (Maul) in mundo deceperat socios suos, et abstulerat eorum opes fraudulenter, fraudes illae versae sunt in magica,

1) potuit auferre (m�ssan et imponere alias, et plures ac varias, et secundum impositionem variarum perceptiones et credulitates eorum, quibus imponebantur, factae sunt, nam m�ssa significat talia.

2) Potuit etiam dare bibere ex variis poculis, et sic facere ut comprehendant sicut loquutus est, nam bibere est instruere et persuadere.

3) Non licuit alios manu vel digitis tangere, sic enim paene enecabat illos, quod didicit ex eo quia correspondebat vitae ejus in mundo, ibi fraudulenter abstulerat sociis illorum opes, et depauperavit, inserendo in Librum summas falsas, et magnas.

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