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《灵界经历》 第4828节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4828

4828. Trollsandar 1

Those who have such creatures [around them] in the other life, draw thread from bobbins and in this way draw threads to the heads of others and then bewitch them and lead them where they will. They are women, many of whom were observed. And I was told that they are such women as those who in the world ran around to friends and acquaintances everywhere, talking about other people and giving their impression of them and in this way drawing their thinking minds in whatever direction they wanted. Such a nature appears in the world of spirits in this form.


1. Swedish for "dragonfly"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4828


Those who make use of such things in the other life, draw a thread out of magical circles, and so direct threads towards the head of another; and then they fascinate them, and bring them whither they will. They are women, many of whom were observed; and I was instructed that they are such as, in the world, ran about to friends and acquaintances everywhere, and spoke of others, and produced a marked impression, and so bent the minds of their interlocutors whithersoever they wished. Such a nature appears, in the world of spirits, under that aspect.

Experientiae Spirituales 4828 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4828. Trollslandar 1

Qui talia in altera vita habent, trahunt filum ex rhombis, et sic fila dirigunt versus caput alterius, et tunc fascinant eos, et deducunt quo volunt, sunt mulieres, quarum plures animadversae sunt; et instructus quod sint tales quae in mundo discurrerant ad amicas et notas ubivis, et loquutae de aliis, et impressionem dederint, et sic declinaverint animum earum quocunque vellent: talis natura apparet in mundo spirituum sub ea specie.


1. = libellae, libellulae (vox suecica)

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