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《灵界经历》 第4831节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4831

4831. About Mohammedans and Scrivero 1

I was brought to the region where the Mohammedans are, which is to the right on the plane of the sole of the right foot. And when I was brought there and I was held in my mental image of the Lord, that the Father was in Him and that the Holy Spirit proceeded from Him, thus that He is the only God, all who were there then had the same idea and acknowledged it as completely true. This was the case throughout the whole tract. At the time Scriverus, from the Christian world, was with me. The faith of the present day Christians flowed into him, but in spite of this he sensed that he could not be brought to acknowledging it. From this too the Mohammedans notice the nature of Christians and of those among them who are better than others are.


1. Christian Scriver (1629-1693), German Lutheran theologian, whose writings opposed the formalism then besetting Lutheranism, and thus prepared the way for Pietism.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4831


I was conducted to the region where the Mohammedans are, which is towards the right, in the plane of the right sole; and when brought there, and kept in the idea concerning the Lord that the Father is in Him, and the Holy Spirit from Him, thus that He is the only God - then all those who were there, were in the same idea, and fully acknowledged it: this occurred throughout the whole tract. There was then with me, from the Christian world, Scriverius, into whom inflowed the faith of the Christians present. But still it was perceived that he could not be brought to acknowledge it. From him, also, the Mohammedans were aware of what quality Christians are, and, indeed, those amongst them who are better than others.

Experientiae Spirituales 4831 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4831. De Mahumedanis et Scrivero

Perductus sum ad regionem ubi Mahumedani, quae est versus dextrum in plano plantae dextrae, et cum ibi perductus et tenerer in idea de Domino quod Pater in Ipso et spiritus sanctus ab Ipso, ita quod unicus Deus, tunc illi omnes qui ibi in eadem idea erant, et prorsus agnoscebant; hoc per totum tractum; erat tunc mecum e Christiano orbe Scriverus, in quem influeret fides Christianorum praesentium, sed usque percipiebatur quod ille non posset redigi ad id agnoscendum, ex illo etiam appercipiebant Mahumedani quales Christiani sunt, et illi inter eos qui aliis meliores.

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