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《灵界经历》 第4833节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4833

4833. 1About the state of evil preachers when they preach

There was an extremely wicked preacher who did not believe that there is a God and also that there is nothing sinful, but that people can do whatever they want and the fact that these actions are thought to be sins and crimes is on account of civil life and not on account of anything inward. He (Hasenmuller 2) was also exposed as to the crimes he had committed. He said that when he preached, he then held in mind what he was saying about sins and about reward in the other life. It was said by the angels that at the time his inward elements were turned from the world toward heaven, and then he did not know otherwise because at that time there could be an inflow from heaven. It was otherwise when the inward elements were turned toward the world and toward himself.


1. Following the author's sequencing we have placed 4834 after 4847.

2. Joachim Hasenmuller (1672-1764), pastor and dean of the church in Undenas, Vestragotland.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4833


There was a very wicked preacher who did not believe that there is any God, or that there is any sin, but that man can do whatever he wishes, and things being accounted sins and crimes is on account of civil life, and not on account of anything interior. He (Hasenmuller) was exposed, also, as to what crimes he had committed. He said that when he preached, he at that time thought what he then said about sins and reward in another life. It was said by the angels, that, at that time, his interiors were turned from the world towards heaven, and that then he does not know otherwise [than as he speaks], because influx from heaven can then also be granted. It is otherwise when his interiors were turned towards the world and himself.

Experientiae Spirituales 4833 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4833. De statu praedicatorum malorum cum praedicant

Fuit praedicator pessimus, qui non credidit aliquem Deum esse, et quoque quod nullum peccatum sit, sed quod homo possit facere quicquid velit, et quod peccata et facinora putentur esse, sit propter vitam civilem, et non propter aliquid interius; is detectus etiam quae facinora fecerat Hasenmuller) ; is dixit, quod cum praedicavit, quod tunc cogitaverit id quod tunc dixit de peccatis et de mercede in altera vita. Dicebatur ab Angelis, quod tunc interiora versa sint a mundo versus coelum, et quod tunc non sciat aliter, quia tunc quoque influxus e coelo dari possit, aliter quum interiora versa sunt in mundum et ad se.

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