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《灵界经历》 第4835节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4835

4835. How Babel began in the Church (Swab 1)

This was presented to see and take note of for several days. He (Swab) was under the sole of the foot there on the earth. He gathered those in Falun 2over whom he had had control and put them in his service so that he might direct them, and they obey him. However, he was afraid that the Lord might reject him and take away his control. Therefore, as a means of exercising control, he took up the doctrine of charity, and acknowledged the Lord as the one God, believing that by making common cause in this way with those around me, he would be allowed to have control. However, because such things are felt in my body, such an action slightly hardened the right side of my tongue all the way to the ear, and in addition [was felt] by others as well.

He (that is, Swab) always put things in front of himself and me that would block me from getting a view in that direction because from within he knew doctrine is the means and control is the end, and consequently that it was upside down and in itself evil. This led to a conversation about the beginning of a Church: that when such things occur, they end in a Babel, that is to say, they themselves want to be worshipped as God, saying first that they are ruled by God and thus that the things that come from them are from God. When these are heard, all doctrinal matters are subsequently explained and twisted to them. In addition, new things are added which they say flow from them, and they make look like truth. And as a result, Babel grows and becomes Babel.


1. See initial footnoted information on him in passage 4701.

2. A municipality of the province Dalarna in Sweden.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4835


He (Swab) was presented to sight and apprehension for several days. Under the soles, in the earth there, he assembled those whom he ruled in Fahlun, and also subjected them to his control, so that he might command them and they should obey; but he feared lest the Lord would deprive him of that dominion; wherefore, as a means of governing, he adopted the doctrine of charity and acknowledged the Lord as the only God, believing that thus, because he would make one with those who were around me, he would be permitted to rule. But because such things are perceived in my body, therefore, such conduct somewhat hardened the right side of the tongue, as far as to the ear; and [this happens] from other things besides. He (namely, Swab) continually thrust such things between himself and me, as might impede my sight, lest it should enter thither; because, from his interior mind, he perceived doctrine as a means and dominion as the end, and thus [the order] was inverted and in itself evil. Hence arose a conversation concerning the beginnings of a Church, when there are such things as terminate in Babel; that is, that they [i. e. men] wish to be worshipped themselves instead of God, by first saying that they are ruled by God, and that, therefore, those things which are from them are from God: when these things are hearkened to, all doctrinals are afterwards explained and drawn to that conclusion; and new ones are superadded which are said to flow from these, and which wear the look of truth; and so Babel grows, and it [i. e. the Church] becomes Babel.

Experientiae Spirituales 4835 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4835. Quomodo Babel inchoat in Ecclesia (Swab)

Sistebatur hoc videndum et appercipiendum per aliquot dies, (Swab) ille sub plantis ibi in terra, congregabat illos quibus dominatus est in Fhalun, et quoque obsequio suo subjecit, ita ut imperaret illis, et illi obedirent; sed timuit ne Dominus illum et dominio illo expelleret, quapropter pro medio imperandi assumsit doctrinam charitatis, et agnovit Dominum pro unico Deo, sic credens quia unum faceret cum illis qui circum me, quod ei concederetur dominari; sed quia talia percipiuntur in corpore meo, ita tale linguae partem dextram pauxillum usque ad aurem induravit, praeter etiam ab aliis; is (nempe Swab) objecit semper talia ante se et me, quae impedirent ne immitterem illuc visum, quia ex interiori percipiebat doctrinam esse medium et imperium esse finem, et sic quod inversum esset, et malum in se; sermo inde factus de inchoamentis Ecclesiae, cum talia, quod desinant in Babel, nempe quod adorari velint ipsi pro Deo, dicendo primum quod illi regantur a Deo, et sic quod quae ab illis a Deo sint, quae cum auscultantur, postea explicantur omnia doctrinalia et trahuntur illuc; et nova superadduntur, quae dicuntur fluere ex illis, et faciunt verosimile, et sic crescit Babel et fit Babel.

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