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《灵界经历》 第4701节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4701

4701. Remarkable things about the memory remaining after death

(Porath 1and Cederstedt 2)

It happened that a certain one who had acted in collusion with another (Porath with Swab 3) appeared to be a great serpent. It wrapped itself around the neck of the other [Swab] and was then twisting around. It was terrible to see. Finally he [Swab] was freed, and it was disclosed that he had written to him [Porath] about all the things that should have been kept secret, about activities and about persons [involved]. At length he [Porath] was exposed and investigated. And then Cederstedt came up to the other and wound something around his feet, then up to his chest to both sides and finally above his head. And then much that he had done was disclosed.


1. Nils Porath (1690ֱ753), a secretary and then assessor in the College of Mines.

2. Jonas Cederstedt (1659ֱ730). In 1713 he became a Councillor in the College of Mines.

3. Anton Swab (also Svab, 1702ֱ768), step-brother to Swedenborg and Assessor in the College of Mines.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4701


It happened that there was a certain one who had practiced fraud with another (Porath with Swab). He appeared like a great serpent, which coiled itself around the neck of another. He there wriggled himself about. It was terrible to see, -and at length he was pulled away, and it was discovered that he had written to the latter, concerning all the things that ought to have been kept secret, about affairs and about persons. At length, he was detected and explored; and then Cederstedt approached him, and, there, wound something round his foot, next, on both sides of the breast, and at length over the head; and, then, many things which he had done were detected.

Experientiae Spirituales 4701 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4701. Mirabilia de memoria remanente post mortem (Porath och Cederstedt)

Obvenit quod quidam qui colluserat cum altero (Porath cum Swab) apparuit magnus serpens, qui se convolvit circum alterius collum, ille ibi se circumvolvebat, terrificum erat videre, et tandem eximebatur, et detegebatur quod ad illum scripserit de omnibus quae arcana esse debuissent, de rebus et de personis; tandem ille detectus, et exploratus, et tunc ad alterum accessit Cederstedt, et ibi volvebat circum pedem, dein ad pectus, ad utramque partem, et tandem super caput, et tunc detegebantur multa quid fecerat.

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