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《灵界经历》 第4838节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4838

4838. Continuation about Babel

They kept on in their decision to use the heavenly doctrine pro forma. It would serve them for ruling. And after this they also considered how they might acquire it in entirety, which they tried to do by entering my thoughts, closely following them to such an extent that by thinking the same thing, they might finally snuff me out. And after this they went further, to the point that they willed the same thing and did the same thing as I, until there was nothing left of my life, and thus they alone were ruling. Except first they brought many into a subservient relationship. It was the same as in the world. First they treated the words of Scripture absolutely literally and said they were teaching the same as the Lord. And after this they snuffed out this doctrine and made a prohibition lest anyone were to read [the words of Scripture], but they alone should teach, and they said that everyone should believe just as they, thinking, willing and doing entirely as they wish, saying that they and not others know the Word.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4838


They continued in the decision that they would employ heavenly doctrine for a form which might avail them for governing; and they also deliberated, afterwards, in what way they might achieve all things which they attempted, by means of entering into my thoughts and closely following them to such an extent that by thinking the same things they might at length quench me. And afterwards, they wished to go farther, even until they should will the same thing and do the same thing [as myself], until nothing of life remained to me and so they alone should govern: only just previously, they reduced many to subservience. This was similar to their conduct in the world, that, first, they wholly forced the words of Scripture and said that themselves teach the same as the Lord, and afterwards destroyed His doctrine and prohibited anyone to read; declaring that they alone might teach, and that [others] must believe as they teach - thus thinking, willing and doing exactly as they wish, and saying that themselves and none others know the Word.

Experientiae Spirituales 4838 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4838. Continuatio de Babele

Continuabant in eo, quod pro forma uterentur doctrina coelesti, quae serviret illis ad imperandum, et postea quoque deliberabant, quomodo obtinerent omnia, quod tentabant per id, quod intrarent in cogitationes meas, et inhaerenter sequerentur illas, usque adeo, ut cogitando idem tandem me exstinguerent; et postea vellent ulterius, usque ut vellent idem et facerent idem, usque dum nihil vitae superesset, et sic ii soli imperarent, modo prius redegerint plures ad obsequium; hoc simile fuit, sicut in mundo, quod primum prorsus premerent verba scripturae, et dicerent se idem docere quod Dominus, et postea exstinguerent illam doctrinam, et prohiberent ne quisque legeret, sed illi soli docerent, et quod crederent sicut illi, sic cogitando, volendo, et faciendo prorsus sicut illi vellent, dicendo quod illi sciant Verbum et non alii.

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