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《灵界经历》 第4839节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4839

4839. In a word, from various experiences I have learned that Babel comes into being when the doctrine of the Church is accepted for the sake of control and ultimately so that they may become deities and have power over heaven and earth. Another (Abbe Bignon) 1also approached, who having become aware of what Swab 2did, [and] motivated by a similar desire, wanted to make common cause with him, that is to say, acknowledge the doctrine of the Church and thus bring himself into the Lord's favor for the purpose of exercising control. They discussed together how they might put these things into practice and on each occasion came to the conclusion that they would be in control. And when it was said that the last would be first, they decided that they would sit in the lowest place when they ruled, and so on. But he was enabled to realize that such was the beginning of Babel. It was also granted him to desist.


1. Jean-Paul Bignon (1662ֱ743), French clergyman, statesman and Royal Librarian to Louis XIV.

2. See initial footnoted information on him in passage 4701.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4839

4839. In a word, it was experienced, from various things, that Babel exists when the doctrine of the Church is accepted in order that it may serve for ruling, and so that those [who so accept it] may at length become deities, and have power over heaven and earth. Another one (Abbe Bignon) also approached; and he, perceiving what Swab did, and moved by a similar desire, wished to join with him, namely, to acknowledge the doctrine of the Church, and so get the favor of the Lord to themselves, for the end of ruling. At the same time, they deliberated how to put these things into practice; and it was determined that they should rule over them [i. e. the doctrines of the Church]; and, since it was said that the last should be first, they decided that they would sit in the last place when they governed, etc. But it was granted this one to perceive that such was the beginning of Babel. It was also granted him to desist.

Experientiae Spirituales 4839 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4839. Verbo expertum ex variis quod Babel sit cum doctrina Ecclesiae accipiatur ut serviat pro dominatu, et tandem ut numina fiant, et potestatem super coelum et terram habeant. Accessit etiam alius (Abb. Bignon) qui percepto quid ageret Swab, ille simili cupiditate actus etiam cum illo unum facere voluit, nempe agnoscere doctrinam Ecclesiae, et sic favorem Domini sibi inducere, ob finem imperandi; deliberabant simul quomodo in actum mitterent illa, et semper conclusum quod illi dominarentur, et cum dictum quod postremi essent primi, concludebant quod ultimo loco sederent cum imperarent, et sic porro; sed percipere ei datum quod tale esset principium Babelis, datum etiam ei fuit desistere.

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