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《灵界经历》 第4844节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4844

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4844


Every man whatever, who has not destroyed his rational mind and no longer receives therein the heavenly influx, and, so, [every man] who does not acknowledge nature as God, has the idea of a human concerning the Divine. This was attested, through much experience, by those in the other life. This Divine Human is nowhere else than in the Lord. Let who pleases think where else the Divine Human could be. The Lord also plainly teaches that He who sees Him sees the Father, and that He is in the Father and the Father in Him and that the Father and He are one. The learned do not know what the soul is; whether it is anything, or whether only a vital [spark], or whether it is the cogitative [function] in a sort of trial [condition]; whether it is there in the body, or elsewhere; when, yet, the soul is the man himself, and wholly in a human form, and the body is adjoined thereto (everywhere according to its functions in a gross world. Hence are the vagaries of the learned. The simple, on the other hand, know that their soul is in the body; consequently, they have no doubts about a life after death).


1. We have inserted this article in this place, in compliance with an instruction given in a parenthesis, which, in the Latin Edition, is included in the heading hereof. The instruction is: "(Let this be inserted where [I have spoken] of the inhabitants of another earth, in the last place.)"

Experientiae Spirituales 4844 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4844. 1

De Divino Humano Domini, quod in coelo ubivis agnoscatur

Inseratur ubi de incolis aliarum tellurum ultimo loco)

Unusquisque homo, qui non perdiderat rationale suum, et in eo non amplius recipit influxum coelestem, et sic qui non agnoscit naturam pro Deo, de Divino habet ideam Humani, hoc per multam experientiam ab illis in altera vita testatum est. Hoc Divinum Humanum non alibi est quam apud Dominum, ut cogitet quis velit, ubinam Divinum Humanum alibi; Dominus etiam id manifeste dicit, quod qui vidit Ipsum videat Patrem [Joh. XIV: 9], et quod Ipse in Patre sit et Pater in Ipso [Joh. XIV: 10, 11, 11], et quod Pater et Ipse unum sint [Joh. X: 30] .


1. 4844-4847 inserimus conformiter auctoris praescripto post 4832

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