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《灵界经历》 第4843节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4843

4843. Chaldea, which is the great whore, is those who have absorbed particular religious principles, not for the soul's salvation, but for the sole purpose of being advanced to riches and wealth. And they are not affected by truth for any another end. Such was Rudberg, who seized on doctrine that he had from the Word thinking that in this way he would be advanced to high positions and through high positions to wealth, when nevertheless in the world he had taken up entirely different principles. He and the first mentioned (Swab) had a burning desire to commit adultery, and also are adulterers, and have used every trick of seduction.

[2] There also are Chaldeans who have no religion and privately tell another whatever is pleasing for [the sake of] capturing the favor of princes and potentates. Kalsenius was such a person. He certainly was familiar with the teachings of his Church, but only in a factual way, and was not steeped and set in them. And he was given to sensual pleasure, and also to fighting.

All those among themselves believe absolutely nothing, that there is no God, that there is no life after death, that the human soul is no different than that of brute animals, that the Word is nothing, they have been steeped in primary truths in their youth and taught them; they think they believe, yet do not, as I was granted to perceive from their aura. And some have admitted this. Such is the Christian world almost everywhere today.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4843

4843. Those are Chaldaea, which is the great whore, who have imbued sound principles of religion not on account of the salvation of the soul, but solely for the object that they may be promoted to riches and wealth, and are not affected by truths for any other end. Such was Rudberg, who appropriated the doctrine which he drew from the Word, supposing that thus he should be promoted to honors, and by means of honors to opulence, while yet he had imbued in the world principles totally different [from those doctrines]. He and the former one (Swab) desired with all ardency to commit adultery, and also did commit adultery, and employed all craftiness in order to entice.

They also are Chaldaeans who have no religion, and speak into another's ear whatever pleases, in order to win the favor of princes and magnates. Such was Kalsenius. He indeed had known the doctrinals of his Church, but merely in a scientific manner, nor had he imbued and infixed them in himself, and he was given up to pleasures and also to strifes. All these believe, in themselves, nothing at all; neither that there is a God, nor a life after death, nor that a man's soul is different from that of the brutes, not that the Word is anything. They who have imbued principles in youth, and have taught them, suppose themselves to believe; but yet they do not believe, as also it was granted me to perceive from their sphere - certain ones, also, confessed it. Such is the Christian world at this day, nearly everywhere.

Experientiae Spirituales 4843 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4843. Chaldaea, quae magna meretrix, sunt qui certa principia religionis imbuerunt, non propter animae salutem, sed propter eum usum solum, ut promoveantur ad divitias, et opes; et non afficiuntur veris alio fine; talis fuit Rudberg, qui arripuit doctrinam quae hic ex Verbo, putans quod sic ad honores promoveretur, et per honores ad opes, cum tamen prorsus alia principia imbuerat in mundo; hic et prior Swab) omni ardore adulterari cupiebant, et quoque adulterati sunt; et usi sunt omni astu ad pelliciendum.

[2] Sunt quoque Chaldaei qui nullam religionem habent, et in aurem dicunt quicquid alteri placet, ad captandum gratiam principum et magnatum, talis fuit Kalsenius; noverat quidem Ecclesiae suae doctrinalia, sed modo scientifice, nec imbuerat illa et fixerat apud se, voluptatibus deditus est, et quoque pugnis. Omnes illi apud se nihil prorsus credunt, nec quod Deus sit, nec quod vita post mortem, nec quod anima hominis alia quam brutorum, nec quod Verbum sit aliquid, qui imbuerunt principia in juventute, et docuerunt, putant se credere, sed usque non credunt, quod etiam ex sphaera illorum datum est percipere, et quidam id fassi sunt. Talis est orbis Christianus hodie fere ubivis.

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