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《灵界经历》 第485节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 485

485. Besides individual influences, there are also collective ones

Today I spoke with evil and good spirits about the collective and the individual influence bearing on every single feeling, evil and good, namely, that there are tens of thousands, in fact many tens of thousands [of spirits] that are responsible for the collective influence, thus the whole heaven of spirits and angels. But there are specific individual influences concerned with each person, which are recipients of the collective influences, and as such they draw upon the collective influence, and are similar to it because they interact.

Thus all spirits and all angels individually are focal points of influences, and such as they are, such are the influences they receive, and share with people on earth, each of whom is likewise an interacting focal point of influences. This matter can be understood on the physical level by means of a great number of phenomena in both the atmospheric and the animate aspects of nature. 1748, the 17th day of January. The angels expressed agreement.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 485


I spoke today with evil and good spirits about general and particular influx, as to affection of any kind, evil and good, namely, that there are myriads, and indeed many myriads, thus the whole heaven of spirits and angels, which cause the general influx. But there are certain particular influxes around every single man which are the subjects of the general influxes. These subjects receive from the general and are similar because they correspond. Thus all spirits and all angels are, in particular, centers of influxes, and such as they are, such is the influx they receive and communicate to man. Man, in like manner, is the center of corresponding influxes. This can be perceived naturally from very many things in nature, both atmospheric and animal. 1748, Jan. 17. The angels were in agreement.

Experientiae Spirituales 485 (original Latin 1748-1764)

485. Praeter particulares 1

influxus, etiam dantur communes

Hodie loquutus sum cum spiritibus malis et bonis, de influxu communi et particulari 1

, ad quamlibet affectionem malam et bonam, nempe quod myriades sint, et quidem plures myriades, quae communem influxum causantur, sic universum spirituum et angelorum coelum, sed sunt quaedam 2

particulares circa unumquemvis hominem, quae sunt subjecta communium influxuum, haec subjecta recipiunt a communi, et sunt similia quia correspondent, sic sunt omnes spiritus, et omnes angeli in particulari centra influxuum, et quales sunt, tales influxus recipiunt, et communicant cum homine, homo similiter est centrum influxuum, correspondens, hoc naturaliter percipi potest a permultis in natura, tam atmosphaerica, quam animali. 1748, die 17 Jan. Consenserunt angeli.


1. The Manuscript has particures

1. The Manuscript has particari

2. The Manuscript has quidam

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