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《灵界经历》 第486节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 486

486. Collective and individual influences could not exist if God the Messiah were not ruling the universe

Unless God the Messiah were controlling the whole heaven, both that of angels and that of spirits, there could never be such an arrangement of all things in the heavens and below the heavens into kinds and species, that they could run concordantly in regard to all the lives of men, spirits and angels. For lives are feelings, and unless these derive from the one and only love, Who is Divine, and thus truly heavenly, the remaining kinds and species of feelings could never come forth and relate to one another. Therefore, feelings common [to many] compose a collective form, and one so well ordered that nothing better ordered is conceivable; and without such a horizontal and vertical ordering of feelings, no one could have life, for feeling is life.

Thus do all feelings interact, just as all the parts do among themselves in one body. In this body all feelings exist in a comparable ranked order. Therefore, unless God the Messiah had become [an earthly] Human Being, and thus unless the universal heaven relates to Him as its body, the universe cannot possibly be kept in that order, and by the universe, thus by God the Messiah, all and each of angels, spirits and men. 1748, the 17th day of January. These things also were written with the agreement of angels.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 486


Unless God Messiah governs the whole heaven, both the angelic and the spiritual, all things in the heavens and beneath the heavens could by no means be so distributed into genera and species, that they could unanimously concur with all the lives of men, spirits and angels; for lives are affections, and unless they depend upon one only love, which is Divine and thus truly heavenly, the rest of the genera and species of affections could by no means exist and mutually regard each other, so that the general affections may constitute the general form, and be so ordered, that nothing better ordered can be conceived. Without such co-ordination and subordination of affections the life of no one would be possible, for affection is life. Thus all affections correspond, as all things mutually correspond one with the other in one body, in which all affections reign in like subordination. Wherefore, unless God Messiah had been made Man, so that all heaven refers itself to Him as to its own body, the universe could by no means be held together in such order, and from the universe, thus from God Messiah, each and every angel, spirit and man. 1748, Jan. 17. These things also [were written] with the agreement of the angels.

Experientiae Spirituales 486 (original Latin 1748-1764)

486. Quod influxus communes et particulares dari nequeant 1

, nisi Deus Messias regat universum

Nisi Deus Messias regat universum coelum, tam angelicum quam spirituale, nequaquam possunt omnia in coelis et infra coelos, ita distribui in genera ac species, ut concurrant unanimiter ad omnes vitas hominum, spirituum et angelorum, nam vitae sunt affectiones, quae nisi dependeant ab unico amore, Qui est Divinus, et sic vere coelestis, nequaquam reliqua genera et species affectionum existere possunt, et se mutuo respicere, sic ut affectiones communes formam constituant communem, et tam ordinatam, ut nihil ordinatius concipi possit, sine tali coordinatione, et subordinatione affectionum, vita nullius dari potest, nam affectio est vita; ita correspondent omnes affectiones sicut omnia inter se mutuo in uno corpore, in quo omnes affectiones in simili subordinatione regnant, quare nisi Deus Messias factus sit Homo, et sic universum coelum se 1

referat ad Ipsum, ut ad suum corpus, nequaquam in tali ordine contineri potest universum, et ab universo, sic a Deo Messia, omnes et singuli angeli, spiritus 2

, et homines. 1748, die 17 Jan. Haec quoque cum consensu angelorum.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has nequeat

1. The Manuscript has coelum, se

2. The Manuscript has spitus

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