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《灵界经历》 第4851节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4851

4851. Itching and rubbing of the anus.

In the night my anus began to itch, and I rubbed it until it hurt. And when I had done this a number of times some [spirits] below were noticed, and I realized that it came from them and that it was due to the fact that in the world they had believed themselves to be rational and yet they were not rational. They actually had not only believed but also taken pride in their being wiser than others when in reality they were anything but wise. Such pride produces an itching and scratching of the anus. The spirits were Wolf, Er[ik] Benzelius and Lars Benzelst[ierna] and Gust[av] Benzelst[ierna] 1. When they became aware that this was being thought about them, they began to put their minds to work on something that would show they were rational, but that thing was a profanation of the Lord, which was done with cunning and malice. But they were told and shown that that ill-will is in no way intelligence, but that it is insanity, consequently entirely the opposite of intelligence, [and] so by it they had shown themselves to be irrational.


1. Probably Pastor Johan Christoph Wolf together with Archbishop Erik Benzelius and his sons.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4851


In the night, the anus commenced to itch, and I rubbed it even till it became painful; and, when I did this frequently, certain [spirits] were observed below, under it; and I perceived that [the itching came] from their proximity, and that it was on account of the fact, that, in the world, they believed themselves to have been rational, and yet they were not rational - that, forsooth, they not only believed it, but were proud of it, and [supposed] they were wiser than others; and yet nothing could be less true. Such pride produces itching of the anus, and [occasions] the rubbing. They were Wolf, Ericus Benzelius, and Lars Benzelstierna and Gustav Benzelstierna. When they observed that there was this thought concerning them, they then began to devise something by which they might show that they are rational; but it was a profanation of the Lord, which was done with cunning and malice; but they were told, and shown, that malice is by no means intelligence, but that it is insanity, thus altogether contrary to intelligence, therefore, that by that they show themselves irrational.

Experientiae Spirituales 4851 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4851. Titillatio et fricatio ani

Noctu coepit titillare anus, et fricabam eum ad dolorem usque, et cum hoc saepe fecerim, animadvertebantur aliqui infra sub eo, et percepi quod inde, et quod esset ex eo, quod in mundo crediderint se fuisse rationales, et tamen non rationales essent, quod nempe non modo id crediderint, sed superbiverint inde, quod essent sapientiores aliis, cum tamen nihil minus, talis fastus producit titillationem ani et fricationem, erant Wolf, Er. Benzel. et Lars Benzelst. et Gust. Benzelst.; cum apperciperent quod hoc cogitatum esset de illis, tunc coeperunt molire aliquid per quod ostenderent se rationales esse, sed erat prophanatio Domini, quae facta astutia et malitia, sed illis dictum et ostensum quod malitia nequaquam sit intelligentia, sed quod sit insania, ita prorsus contrarium intelligentiae, ita quod per id se ostenderent irrationales.

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