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《灵界经历》 第4850节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4850

4850. About Turning to the Lord, and about turning away from the Lord


Those who are in heaven, that is to say, who are led by the Lord, in the other life are constantly turned facing Him as the Sun, which is in the region of the right eye, and then all things are led to good. To be turned to Him is consequently a sign of being led by Him and being constantly in His presence, and then they are removed from those who are evil lest they associate with them. But those who turn themselves away from Him in such a way that their face is turned backward, they all rush into hell to the devils and commit crimes. And they are incapable of turning themselves around but unceasingly keep on in their immoral activities. Being turned away from the Lord is a sign of turning away from good and turning oneself to evil.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4850


They who are in heaven, or who are led by the Lord, are, in the other life, continually turned to Him as the Sun, which is directly before the right eye; and then all things are led to good. To be turned to Him in this manner is a sign of being led by Him and of being continually in His presence; and then they are removed from evils, lest these adhere. But all those who turn themselves from Him, so that they turn the face backward, rush into hell to the devils, and commit wickednesses; neither can they be turned away from them of themselves, but they then persist continually in enormities; for to be turned from the Lord is a sign of turning away from good and turning to evil.

Experientiae Spirituales 4850 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4850. De Versione ad Dominum, et de versione a Domino


Qui in coelo sunt, seu qui ducuntur a Domino, illi continue in altera vita vertuntur ad Ipsum ut Solem, qui est e regione oculi dextri, et tunc omnia in bonum ducuntur; verti ad Ipsum, ita, est signum duci ab Ipso, et esse continue in praesentia Ipsius, et tunc removentur a malis ne adhaereant; at qui vertunt se ab Ipso, ita ut faciem retro vertant, illi omnes ruunt in infernum ad diabolos, et committunt facinora, nec possunt a seipsis converti, sed perstant continue tunc in sceleribus, verti a Domino enim est signum aversionis a bono, et conversionis ad malum.

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