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《灵界经历》 第4855节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4855

4855. Those who have attended holy services frequently and also acknowledged [their holiness] in an outward way, that is, had no doubts about this [worship] and yet have not lived a Christian life but lived in hatred and the like, they, when they come to a person, bring on a headache in even the bones themselves and pain in the shoulders, or rather, the arms.

Certain ones who were with me were those who had been like this and also those who had acknowledged the Lord. They penetrated all the way to the bones of my head and caused pain there, besides weakening my arm at the joint so that it scarcely could be moved.

Such are those who have piety in their life and not at the same time charity, which is the life that very many live who are believed to be Christians.

4855[a]. Atrocious adulteries

1.) Those who have a hatred for everyone near to them without distinction, and have no friend whatever other than themselves and their own children and grandchildren, thus than their own household, bring about adultery with their mother/father. Such were (Joh. Hessel. sista styfmod) 1.


1. Swedish for "last stepmother"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4855

4855. Those who have attended on holy things, and also acknowledged them in an external manner, that is, have not doubted concerning them, and yet have not lived a Christian life, but have lived in hatred and the like - when they come to man, they produce pain in the head, even in the very bones, and pain of the shoulder, or arm. Certain ones, who were of such a nature, and who also acknowledged the Lord, were with me. They penetrated even to the bones of the head and caused pain there, besides which the arm became so feeble in the elbow that it could scarcely be bent. Of such a character are they who are in a life of piety, and not at the same time in a life of charity. In such a life are very many who are considered Christians.


First. They who hold in hatred every neighbor, without distinction, nor have any friend, save themselves and their own children and grandchildren, thus save their own people - these commit adultery with a mother and with a father. Such have been (Johns Hesselius and my last stepmother).

Experientiae Spirituales 4855 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4855. Qui frequentarunt sancta, et quoque externo modo agnoverunt, hoc est, non dubitaverunt de eo, et tamen non vixerunt vitam Christianam, sed in odio, et similibus, illi cum veniunt ad hominem faciunt dolorem capitis usque in ipsa ossa, et dolorem humeri seu brachii. Quidam apud me fuerunt qui tales, et qui quoque fassi Dominum, illi penetrarunt usque ad ossa capitis, et ibi dolorem fecerunt, praeter quod brachium in ginglymo invalidum factum, ut vix flecti posset. Tales sunt qui in pietatis vita sunt et non simul in charitatis, in qua vita perplurimi sunt, qui creduntur Christiani.

4855 [a]. Adulteria nefanda

1) Qui odio habet omnem proximum, absque distinctione, nec quemquam amicum habent quam semet et suos liberos, nepotes, ita quam suam domum, illi producunt adulterium cum matre et cum patre, tales fuerunt (Joh. Hessel. sista styfmod.) 1


1. = ultima noverca (verba suecica)

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