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《灵界经历》 第4859节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4859

4859. About Priapi 1and Satyrs

Those who when in the world had constantly thought about adulteries and who had ingratiated themselves under the pretense of friendship and sincerity and yet had adultery in their mind and at the same time were demons of a kind, do the same in the other life: they talk sincerely, yet they still constantly have adultery in mind and as a result are unceasingly endeavoring to commit it. And as often as circumstances permit, when the husband is away and the wife agreeable, they do. When such men are seen by angels they look like satyrs whom the ancients said wander in dark forests on the lookout for women. They appeared like this from behind, below the head, and they spoke sincerely. But it was said that nevertheless they dirty every sincere thing they say because their intention or goal is unclean and abominable. The goal is the general subject of thought, and the things that are then thought and spoken are dirtied by it, which they were told and shown also.


1. Priapus was the Roman god of male procreative power. Swedenborg uses priapi to designate lascivious male spirits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4859


Those who, in the world, have thought continually about adulteries, and insinuated themselves under the guise of friendship and sincerity, and still, in intent, have meditated adultery, and at the same time have been, as to their character, genii, do similar things in the other life; they speak in an ingenuous manner, yet continually meditate adultery, and hence are in a perpetual effort to commit it; and, as often as opportunity offers - the husband, for example, being absent and the wife agreeable - they do commit it. When such persons are beheld by the angels, they appear as Satyrs, of whom the ancients say that they wander in darksome woods and look out for women. Such persons also appeared at the back, under the occiput, and spoke in an ingenuous manner; but it was said, that still they pollute all ingenuous utterance, because their intention, or end, is unclean and abominable. The end is the general of the thought; and whatever is then thought and said, is polluted thereby - as was also said and shown.

Experientiae Spirituales 4859 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4859. De Priapis et Satyris

Qui continue in mundo cogitarunt de adulteriis, seque sub specie amicitiae et sinceritatis insinuaverunt, et usque in animo versarunt adulterium, et simul quoad genus genii fuerunt, illi in altera vita similia faciunt, loquuntur sincere, versant usque continue adulterium, inde in perpetuo conatu faciendi sunt, et quantum licet, absente marito, et consentiente muliere, faciunt, tales cum ab angelis visuntur, apparent ut satyri, de quibus antiqui quod in tenebrosis sylvis errent, et prospiciant ubi faeminae; tales etiam apparuere a tergo sub occipitio, et loquuti sincere, sed dictum quod omne effatum sincerum usque conspurcent, quia intentio seu finis est immundus et abominabilis, finis est commune cogitationis, et quae tunc cogitantur et dicuntur, per id conspurcantur, quod etiam dictum et ostensum.

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